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Kinky Susan's Blog
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Friday, October 13th 2023
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My time in Bournmouth
Hi there guys and my admirers
Hope your all good
I enjoyed my visit down to Bournmouth got to see some lovely places went on a few day trips that were included in my holiday stay
And I also got to my younger brother whom I've not seen in over 25 years it was a good experience and got on well chit chatting about our life's since we last met up
The journey down by coach took over 9 hours to get the hotel and doing pick ups and having rest. Stops but manageable
The hotel was quite a nice one bit of a Rabbit Warren didn't try out the swimming pool and sauna the hotel was close to the city center and Beach ( Royal bath & spa)
Meals were ok
I had quite a bit of interest nearly 500 hits on my profile which is amazing , and quite few of you guys bought my videos and private pics gallery so thankyou very much xxx
I wasn't always able to see clients due to my schedule and also being with a client friend that booked the holiday we had separate rooms luckily quite a distance apart , I didn't want come across as a timewaster with those of you I didn't manage to meet!!
I'm hoping to return just in my own if I'm able to do Abit of saving up and plan it via something else like booking direct with possibly the same hotel and maybe used mega bus or nation express coach just have to see
If you have any suggestions of a good hotel to try that's discreet the please let me know
Had also a experience of been on a hovercraft when I went on a trip to the isle of wight
Well that's all for now
Xx kinky Susan xx
Thursday, September 14th 2023
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Holiday time september
Hi to all my admirers

Hope you are doing well and enjoying my new pics and videos I've recently uploaded
I'm planning some time away to Bournemouth killing two birds with 1stone as I've got a younger brother Living down there
Not seen him in alot of years and it will be my first time down there so hopefully I will enjoy my stay and that the weather will be good you never know I might be able to fit seeing some of you if your into the mature BBWs
I go on the 25th till 29th
Not sure which hotel it's going to be as I'm going with a coach company with excursion included
I've also been experiencing some health issues with my feet and ankles and having lots of pains an numbness in them having test done so sometimes I don't always feel uto doing my bookings so you will have to bear with me
Have had a few timewaster messing me about and even trying to dupe me into thinking their someone else by using different email addresses he messaged on my private email addy as he's not a paid member on adult work
He's called Peter Dawson and when I've met him a few times before he pays me by my B**k Acc sometimes before but more often after the booking does the appointment at his Bungalow
But a few times now he's diddled me out of the fee by possibly faking a sudden coughing and breathing issues to avoid paying me an saying I'll put it in for you don't worry and obviously he doesn't do and just blanks any communication
And a few weeks later after this happened he bloody emails me to ask to see me again!!
So I politely reply No and say you didn't say me so not doing it again
And he replies back saying I provided a inadequate service and that I farted too much cart bloody help that lol and some other not very nice words
So I replied back well if that was the case then why the hell are you contacting me for another meet just doesn't make sense
But got no response from him
Life isn't all fun and laughs in this line of work
Things we have to deal with are beyond a joke just takes the piss
Well that's my rant over
Hope I've not bored the fuck out of you lol
Well that's all for now
Lots of love
kinky Susan xxx

Thursday, March 30th 2023
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my holiday in Arrochar
Hi to all my admirers and
Hope your all do well I've been getting a lot of emails all new potential clients
I enjoy my time away in Glasgow was a very scenic place had a lovely room with a view of the river right up to the hotel w JBas there with a client friend and spent most times with him going to daily excursion like a cruise boat on loch Lomond and a visit to Dannon and a few other places so bu time I got back in the early it was dinner at the hotel. And I was tired and full so f it doesn't manage to do any escort work even though I was quite popular had 400+ profile views but the hotels miles away from central Glasgow so hopefully once I get some funds saved I'll return to Glasgow on my own and hopefully get to meet you lovely people I did manage to do some new pics and posted them on my profile
Well that's me all update looking forward to seeing new and old clients
Bye for now
Kinky Susan xx
Wednesday, March 8th 2023
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March fun
Hi all
Hope your all doing well
The weather is getting colder and snow has been lightly falling I'm not a lover of frost and snow as I always tend to fall or slip
I've been getting popular with various types of bookings from unwashed service and HS & WS and a few domination sessions
I had a browse on a punting website and read some comments about me some gave me a giggle and a few were from punters recommending me for certain services for my hairy parts
I took a few new pics so hope your enjoying viewing them
I'm still having a few issue with clients not showing up after I've given them my postcode and mobile number which does piss me off or some of you won't give out your mobile number and contact me with ping pong emails or just tend to ask me for my postcode and show up if I'm lucky
One guy last week messed me about for over a hour saying I don't do phone calls or texting all I was doing was trying to give him directions to get to my flat and even went past it and still failed to show up I even went looking for him down a few streets just help find him and that was just a waste of my time so just got so pissed off with him and just said don't fucking bother coming and he replies back saying `I'm near your place` are you sure you don't want to see me so I said I'm sure plus you've pissed me off so much I'm not in the bloody mood to play with me bleeding pussy for all for the sake of £20 !!!
Just don't understand why MEN Do this?? So he's now blocked
I'm looking forward to going on my holiday break pre birthday present it's from 16th till the 20th hopefully is won't be snowing in Glasgow - lock Lomond I'll try fit some fun in if I've any admirers in that area ? Get in touch
Will have to decide what I'm gonna be taking with me boots shoes PVC wetllook gear winter clothes to keep me warm
I've also been having a few health issues / conditions so some sessions have to be planned
I had covid last week this is the 4 th time I've had it was mild to moderate flu and sore throat not as bad as I've experienced before
And also had some tests done on my Lungs and got results back today and I've got mild COPD so I can get quite breathless and wheezy so have to go steady in the shagging department lol and I've to avoid going round to some of my family and friends as some are big smokers so that can spoil my friendships ect
Well that's all I've to say
My last booking before my holiday will be Tuesday/ wensday so see what. Can be arranged or wait till I'm back from the 21st
Take care
Lots of love
Kinky Susan xxx
Friday, February 17th 2023
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My future holidays
Hi to all my lovely clients/ friends & admirers
Hope your all doing good and enjoying my gallery pics I've done a few clients requests in the past to do with my pics or videos if you want to see something special let me know and can all so send them to you directly ..
My unwashed service is always popular and also toilet sports but cart show those type of videos on here so you can ask me for details if that's your thing and get something sorted
I've got some plans for holiday time away
This year and it's just before my 57th birthday 24 th of March I've booked about 7 day in Glasgow from the 16th of March staying in a nice location in loch Lomond & visiting dunoon and other places , been to Edinburgh last year which was a nice time but too many hills lol and didn't get to see any of my admirers
And in September I'll be planning about 5 days in Bournemouth and seeing different sights on the excursion trips my youngest brother lives down there not seen him in 20+ years so a lot of changes
So hopefully I'll be able to see some of you if your into BBW's and maybe I'll make it a regular thing if I get any interest from it
So watch this space
Take care and see you soon new and regular clients welcome
Kinky Susan xx

Tuesday, November 15th 2022
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November visit to Stockton 15-17th
Hi to all my Admirers
I'm heading up to see my old escort friend MISS YOUR DESIRES I've not seen her in over a year so it be good to catch up and also be good to see any of you that's seen me before as I've a popular following in the north east
I'm traveling on the coach as I'm typing this blog lol
So once I'm all sorted at get to my destination I'll be happy to chat and meet you and we can can have some 3sum fun times too
I've brought up a few outfits and some of my knees boots so hopefully get to show them off and get you horny too
So that's all for now
See ya later guys
Kinky Susan
Friday, March 25th 2022
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Birthday weekend in Edinburgh
Hi to you all
Great sunny weather I'm on my way on a coach trip for my birthday that was on Thursday 24th I'm 56 years young lol im traveling with a old gent got a room to myself in the Britannia hotel and will be have a day trip to the castle not many people on the coach there's a female whose 40 today do I think she'll be the noisy group lol
Looking forward to seeing the sites never travelled to Edinburgh or Scotland before.
Hopefully might do some phone chat bookings as no idea if I'll get any naughty fun lol
Bye for now and enjoy your weekend too xxx
Kinky Susan
Tuesday, November 16th 2021
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Nearly the end of the year
Hi to my old and new admirers
Hope your all keeping well and naughty
Weather is getting colder but still I'm managing to get about ,trying to do some de- clutter of some of my old furniture and need to bag up lots of my old clothes and shoes and boots any cross dressers or fellow escorts can always take them off me hands too most of my normal clothes lol will go to local charities
I had some blood test done last week still waiting to see the doctor about them got told by another sexual health professional that I'm have menopausal issues so hopefully that will improve my libido and moisturizer to my pussy
To help as some of you lot don't do anything to get me going to help ease some monster cocks or sometimes your cock can be too small to get into the black hole (pussy) as sometimes I have grip with my pussy muscle to keep you inside
If that creates an issue then it maybe best for me not be seen for sex encounters,wether that will impact on my bookings whose knows I've also had my sexual health checks for all stis and all were clear so nobody has any thing to worry about
I've also been chatting with a porn company to do some work with them so that could be promising not all to do with full penetration and all done safe not BB
Since starting back doing appointments I am. Finding quite a few new clients messing me about by asking for my address without any prior phone contact and then don't show up or even read emails on here and I get up early to sort things out for them not to reply or show up it's so frustrating and then I worry that when they do come back online and check messages that they will show up uninvited which isn't accepting
I'm not always available to see clients
But I try my best to accommodate your requests I do sometimes forget, but eventually i do sort some of you out lol I've to sort some customerised requests knickers and hairy arm pits pics and videos my HS videos are a regular request but I've not managed to do any as I've had bad constipation which isn't much fun
I'm going on my travels tomorrow to Chatsworth house in the peak district so I'll have to look presentable as we get a tour around the house and garden and see all the deers and other livestock
Went on a day trip to London over the weekend was a nice day but didn't really get to enjoy the sites lots of traffic and people around went into a nice pub next to kings cross station had some lovely fish & chips cost £16 double what we pay here but they were really good
Well that's all my news so hopefully get to meet some of you before the year is out
Take care kinky Susan xxx
Sunday, October 31st 2021
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Not wrote a blog in ages
Hi guys /admirers

It's been a year since I last wrote a blog cart believe it lol
Alot as happened to me over this past year or so had some enjoyable times with my sugar daddy going to places up and down lthe country he's spend lots of money on me that gone to good uses attended a few pop concerts and plan to see some groups I grew up with too and planning a few days away to Wales in December
Over this last 10 months I feel I've become more popular with clients which is good I sometimes cart always fit you all in but try my best to accommodate
Quite alot of you are into the same types of services HS and dominations
A few months ago I met an older gent in his mid 70s he came over from Canada visiting some friends and family he was very kinky and hyper active behavior was hard keeping up with him
Also been attending some Beer festivals in chesterfield, Nottingham and on the Keighley Howarth valley railways
Which I enjoyed and like some of the music entertainment
My health as also suffered quite Abit which isn't great and it's made me feel quite depressed and low in myself same with what's happened with all the lockdown restrictions lots of stressful situations my weight has gone up an down which might be good for you seeing all my flabby bits lol sometimes I eat too much bad stuff like crisps and chocolate
And have flare up of my arthritis in my knees and gastroitis inflammatory gut and stomach
Had lots of adominal prob pains a few days ago and had an ultra sound scan done to check if I had gall stones or bladder issue so the last thing on my mind when. In pain is anything sexual and had to turn down quite a few clients
Back in September I contracted covid was quite bad but no idea how i got it as non of my family and friends I'd been around hadn't had any symptoms I had my booster a few weeks ago had a few side affects but nothing too worrying
I've also been having some help from a sissy maid she comes mostly on a Sunday afternoon does. Quite a bit of cleaning and sorting some of my things out she wears her maids outfit she's not too great with mopping she wets the floor to much lol
I need alot of stuff sorting out most of it won't fit me and lots of shoes and boots to sort through I might try sell some or donate to charity shops most are size 7 sizes from 16-18- 20, and maybe quite alot of sexy undies and nylons stockings & body stockings and some pvc and wet look outfits so if anyone wants them let me know
Well that's all my new upto date lol
Hope I've not bored you all
Well that's me hope your all keeping well and look forward to having some fun times soon
Xx kinky susan xx

Sunday, October 4th 2020
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Been having some treats
Hi to all my clients friends and admirers
Been meeting some very nice clients this month
I got to know one old gent whose into Pvc and boots in a very big way he's 71 he'd messaged my escort friend saffron but she referred him on to me he's a very cheeky and generous man
The first time I'd met him we met at a sex shop to see if there was anything kinky for my size and we seemed to hit it off as we'd only spoke a few times on the phone he wanted to find me some thigh boots but they didn't supply them and plus I've got very curvy calves and thighs so I'm not a easy lady to buy for
He had his eye on a latex rubber cat suit and some babydoll outfits that I've put on my gallery that was a cost of £200
I then met him again a week later he offered to get my hair done his idea lol and choosed an expensive hairdressers and it cost him £76
And have me some extra cash for myself and took me for a drink and meal
Then this week he made me an appointment at another expensive shop to sort me out some new glasses and because I've very bad eye sight and need strong lenses they need thinning down which puts the price up I wouldn't of been able to pay the price for them as they ended up costing £315
So I'll have them in about a week
And he just enjoys my company and have a very nice home but he's a bit of a hoarder with lots of stuff but it's very organized
I've never had as much special treatment from any guy in my life
Tuesday, September 15th 2020
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Getting pissed off with timewasters
Hi to all my admirers and kinksters
I've been getting totally messed about with. No shows and replies to booking requests had my time wasted today emailing ping pong on my private addy from a young guy did manage to speak to him while he was on route even though he was 90 mins late I gave him a chance he then said are sorry I've no cash on me I forgot to get some pulling out his bank card as if I've got a card machine in my flat lol I Said well you knew you was coming and you travelled on 2 buses to get here so why didn't you go to a cash machine in town then oh I just forgot !!" so he asked where a cash machine " told him where there was one but said to your taking the mick with me !! and I said your just messing about and won't even come back with the cash so you might as well just leave and don't both"er coming back but he a turned round and said "I'm not like that luv I wouldn't do a things like " and guess what no return or reply load of BULLSHIT if I get anybody messing me around like this even reading messages and not replying back to me having me waiting about like a silly cunt I will name and shame your username and report you to admin as a scammer and blocked off the site so take notice guys
I've been only back the last few weeks because lots of clients have been contacting me for a booking
I sometimes wonder am I wasting my time offering services or jack it all in
I've had to manage my own earnings and being on a tight budget the escort work gives me a helping hand to afford things I need or some extra food stuff that my own income doesn't stretch to .plus I enjoy pleasuring and being pleasured and having a good chat and laugh with you too
Well let's hope there's no lockdown or tighter restrictions coming
Well that's all from me rant over lol
Take care
Kisses kinky susan xx
Friday, August 28th 2020
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August bank holiday
Hi there Guys and sexy horny Admirers
Hope your all doing fine and keeping horny over my profile pics and videos thanks to all those that have purchased my private gallerys and videos plenty to look at don't for get to view the videos twice in 24 hours so that I get the credits from adult work
I've been getting alot if new interest from new clients and I've arranged to meet them and it's gone pretty well ,I've not done any sex bookings just only a few hand jobs and panty wanks
Been also dealing with my pain issues with my osteo arthritis
And the medication I'm taking for my weight loss give me some bad side affects such as upset stomachs and a bit of sickness and stomach pains so not always feeling the love
Been taking the capsules for a month now lost around 4kilos need another 6 to go lol
I've also been doing a few pics to show you my mummy tummy and still have me trimmed pussy
I had a small leak in my bathroom again a few weeks back and had no lighting in the bathroom with it coming through my light fixture and ceiling from the flat above does my head in as it's happened 4 different occasions
I'm hoping the bank holiday is gonna bring some sunshine as it's crap with all this cold and rain
Some of my recent phone chats have been very taboo and perverted which can bring on a challenge lol
I also had my first video call with a very sexy female from London we both got very horny lol
Well that's all my news for now
So stay safe and horny for
Xx kinky Susan xx
Friday, July 24th 2020
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Some surprising news
Hi there all you horny buggers
Hope your all keeping well an safe and not gagging too much without seeing me lol
Been pretty quiet at home .my decorating is coming on ok and other jobs planned
Had a bit of a fall out with me bf and he moved all his belongings out so been Abit down with it
all he was the one to blame but tried making me out to be the baddy which in my personal life always happens
I've also been having some physio over video chat and the physio has suggested some good ideas and one quite drastic to help with my pains
The first task is to address my breathing and breathlessness asthma so be referred back to specialist
Second - weight management by been put on some diet fat burning tablets the deal with body fat and colesterol in my diet
And last stage will be a stomach stapling once I loose some of my weight
As I'm 17.4 and my BMI is 43 so if I can reduce my body to 40 or less then I'll be eligible for my knee replacement
I'm just hoping the weight loss isn't gonna give me loads if saggy loose skin and make me feel even more upset over my flabby body
Sunday, July 12th 2020
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July times
Hi to all my horny admirers
July has been quite a mixed bag so far and I've had to deal with all kinds of things I'm still unable to do any intimate bookings which I'm missing dearly as quite a few of you have been wanting to meet me and it's hard turning you down as with all these restrictions are driving me mad ,I hate going on buses and wearing a face mask as I find it difficult with breathing through them and then get quite sweaty and hot with it as I'm asthmatic drivers won't allow you on the bus without 1,and only 10 people allowed in each deck but some drivers were selling to many on luckily they went upstairs
I've also starting making some changes to my home and feel quite impressed with myself that I've achieved something I've never attempted before painting doors and glossing them
I spent 3 days on my hallway undercoating doors and skirtings and door frames makes it look 💯 better and brighter
And bought some new emulsion which matched the old colour but a different paint company and got some new pictures to make it all look nice
I cleared out my DIY Cupboard and opened up a few tins of paints I'd had in there for years and some had turned rank and stinky water
And orderers some paint stripping gel to use on some of my room doors which are painted by the old tenants a horrible Navy blue gloss and terracotta wood stain on paints of door frames also got plans to paint the toilet and some cupboards going for a neutral colour scheme and also bought some new bedding
Sorted through some of my clothes that I no longer need or fit me as I've put Abit of weight on which I'm not great with do some exercise and walking and shopping
Had some bad new about my ex mothering law she's in her mid 80s and has had a few falls her eldest son lives with her but doesn't socialze with her at all he just stays in his bedroom he's 62 and drinks vodka all day
She was taken to hospital and they've found a tumour and fluid on parts of her brain it's thankfully not cancer but she's got dementia and alzirmers as she thought my daughter was 12 shes 34 and other memory issues surfaced
With the covid restrictions only close amidate family are only allowed to go and see her by my husband's not wishing to go see he's not really bothered that much over 17 years to say he was a mummy's boy when we were dating lol
Hopefully in the next few weeks or months I'll be able to see some of you and still keep safe especially if you've got partners and kids to consider health and safety of all concerned
Well that's all my news
Feel free to book a. Phone chat or text chat booking at least we could get to know each other Abit before we get the opportunity
Take care and stay safe
Kinky Susan xxx


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