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Monday, September 4th 2023
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Summer in September!
So I haven't been around so much this summer been enjoying all that living by the sea entails. However I haven't been a good girl all the time!

Had a London client sneak out of town for two days to go to a swinging party in a fabulous house on Dartmoor that we stayed at. About 15 couples and lots of champagne and naked waiters at dinner. Great fun all round. Then we had another night at Bovey Castle Hotel where his imagination was reliving the fun from the night before but just starring me! I was very spoilt. I do love the opportunity to leave the shorts and flip flops at home and dress up in a little sexy black number and heels! And I made it very worthwhile!! Footsie under the rather posh dining table!! He loved his time in the south west.

And then a client from Birmingham who really wanted go skinny dipping and then enjoy the inevitable sex on the beach! Having bought a huge outdoor blanket even the sand didn't spoil the fun!! He bought champagne and I bought me! Its amazing how even in the middle of summer in Cornwall you can find some sexy sneaky spots to watch sunset and enjoy each other. He's back down soon. I think I am becoming an excuse for him to check out his operations in the South West rather than send a minion!

Another guy touring in his motorhome also found me! I think he is now loathe to go "up country".

So if you have any ideas for fun I am always open to suggestion!!
Tuesday, December 22nd 2020
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Christmas in Cornwall!
Hi all and thank you so much for making the first few weeks in a new place so much fun!

Ive met some great guys and really look forward to the New Year. Obviously its tricky at the moment but as long as we are in Tier 1 I guess we can keep on making merry discreetly!

I hope you all have lovely Christmas and that 2021 really does come in with happy bang and get better than its looking right now!

Im away at a gorgeous hotel for Christmas - prob wont be any pics but definitely a perk of tier 1! Hopefully I wont eat tooo much!

I'm away working the first week in Jan - a perk of being an escort - being treated and paid!!

Then I'll be back in Cornish land waiting to see you all in January. Hope you all stay safe and be happy. Much love Marilyn
Wednesday, December 16th 2020
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What a day!!
So since I've been here I've met some lovely guys. Today I had another fabulous appointment! You know who you are - I said I would spill the beans! Its so horny to open the door and see a gorgeous sexy hunk standing there! So today I've had a fab hour! I nearly felt mean charging really as I enjoyed it so much! He wanted heels so I wore my favourite Agent Provocateur fluffy mules. Hard to walk up stairs though it has to be said! We shared a very rampant time in my bedroom. It was a shame when he had to go. I do hope he'll be back!
So Im having a great time in Cornwall and looking forward to meeting more of you in the coming days.
Give me a call to book your special treat!
Thursday, December 3rd 2020
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Wow in Cornwall
So.... Ive left all my Midlands men behind unless I can schedule a sneaky outcall occasionally - although tricky at the mo with you guys being tier 3. Done my first few calls in Cornwall. It is strange starting in a new area as I used to know most of my men! Met a couple of lovely guys and had a very nice time. And a first for me in all the years of doing this - a strange guy who was very rough and didn't like being asked not to be? Is that the West Country way? I do so hope not. A lady does need a little finesse even in the bedroom after all chaps!
So open for bookings although need discretion - and outcalls would be great for me. I can even see some outdoor adventures on the horizon maybe. Tempt me!
Been chatting to sexy London lawyer who is really missing me. What to do - seems such a long way from here now but missing him too. So a definite vacancy for permanent client. Any sexy Cornish lawyers around who want some fun and adventures?
Thursday, June 11th 2020
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Photo Shoot
Oh what fun we had!

A whole afternoon of chatting and catching up. And pictures - so many. Outfit changes galore, trials of things, photographer acting as dresser to do things up! And undo! A lot of sexy things seem impossible to dress yourself in! The Agent Provocateur had a few outings. Even the gorgeous Agent Provocateur fluffy mules - I do love those shoes! Can wait to start posting and show you all.

Just started editing last night but was tired! Can't wait to show you all the finished ones.

A little teaser - most will be in my private gallery but ill let you know when!
Tuesday, June 9th 2020
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New Photo Shoot
Well firstly thank you to all the guys who are buying access to my private gallery during these weird times. Some of the pics I will admit have been there quite a while! So when the guy who did my first ever pictures that I know a lot of you still love got in touch to offer his services again, I jumped at the chance. All set for booking tomorrow. I'm quite excited - haven't done a photo shoot for ages.

I have new outfits and a pretty good lockdown tan!

Anyone got any requests?

Ill post a few on here straightaway but the majority will go in the paid gallery. Well a girls got to monetise her assets after all!!

Looking forward to showing you all the results.
Tuesday, April 14th 2020
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Lockdown Life
Well... where to start. No adventures! No sexy lawyer, no parties, no swinging!

So just as I restart working and seeing some old faces - and some lovely new ones it all stops!

So I am playing with my vibe quite a lot got to keep it all in working order. Doing lots of yoga and Joe Wicks to keep flexible and to counteract the boredom eating and I took a pic for you all this morning in the shower!

So thats like now! I know I could start ding video cam but im really sorry guys I wouldn't be able to stop giggling!

So stay safe everyone, stay at home and lets get together again as soon as we can.

Much Love and sexy vibes to you all
Thursday, March 5th 2020
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Day Use Hotel Rooms!!
There is definitely something very naughty about Day Use Hotel Rooms!! So.... yday sexy London Lawyer decided he couldn't wait to see me til I was next in London and he would come up to Birmingham for the day. But prob wouldn't have time to get to my flat in Sutton. So range MalMaison but no day use rooms. But.. there is a day use website! Who Knew! Booked ay MailMaison.
So got dressed up, fancy sexy underwear and me said lawyer at the New St Station. Can we kiss now - said well think if we're passing corona virus its a moot point!!
We went for a totally yummy lunch first - got to keep my strength up and lots of fizz - does make me naughtier. Played footsie under the table - had to check out the goods after an absent period. But all OK - he certainly responded! Starting to get excited myself I suggested coffee in the hotel!
So short walk to our room and WOW!!
Absence certainly does make the cock harder!! I love rampant sex when you can't get enough of each other! A whole afternoon of sex, then more sex! We certainly got our day rate value!!

Friday, January 24th 2020
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De Duuuu

So after a few calls regarding the cream ensemble that hasn't survived being packed away while the builders were here and then washed. I have ordered a replacement today!

Google to the rescue - maybe. Not always what they seem! Found a number of options and placed an order. Obviously free returns are a must. Never found ordering clothes online to be overly successful but hey...

Hope it is a shiny and soft but who knows til it arrives. As soon as I have it ill take a few pics and you can decide!

So awaiting Mr Hermes with anticipation and thnkingof playing with the camera soon as I can.

Wednesday, March 8th 2017
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Wowwwww Party Time!!
So... Naughty London lawyer wants to add some spice! I could be offended but he is such a sweety how could I be!
So last week I checked in to a fabulous 5* hotel with an afternoon in the spa booked to get pummeled and polished ready to don my new outfit. What a lovely way to spend a few hours. He does know how to push my buttons and I came away with a rather fab goody bag too. I just love natural products that smell delish.
Then he turns up - bottle of fizz in hand and we chat with anticipation as to how the evening will unfold.
I then model my outfit. An all in one body stocking to highlight the best bits and with appropriate hotels where needed! He was a tad gob smacked with the though that I can pose in this all night and not have to disrobe. I did have to restrain him - can't have his shooting his load when we have a party to attend!!

So into a taxi and off to have fun. And fun we had. Great crowd of people, lawyers, a doctor, an architect, a TV presenter and your normal selection of banker types. So intellectually stimulating as well as visually appealing. The girls do make such an effort I find. The men just strip off to a variety of underpants!! How boring to be a man!!
Well readers I have to say a great time was had. A lovely lady wanted to play with me and her tongue skills were second to none. Women do have the upper hand on licking technique I find!! And such a selection of cock for me to experiment with! All while being supplied with liberal amounts of fizz. I do love a party.
Lucky girl me!
Friday, November 25th 2016
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Heyyyy its not all bad! Sexy London lawyer strikes again. Did a re-run of Selfridges champagne bar and then up to the lingerie dept. Mmm mmm.

So chatted to the sales lady - very seductively dressed sales lady - lawyer couldn't keep his eyes on me! He paid for that later - but seriously whats a guy to do surrounded by gorgeousness and sexiness.

So off to the changing boudoir as they call him with my own sexy lady to help me into the little numbers she thought would work.

Show number one - lawyer comes in into boudoir - I do a twirl Now he aw dropped for me!!

But never let it be said I am eay to please - so onwards to outfit two. He's banished while i change and then is invited in.

So this went on for a while and then guess what...... back to option one!!

Decision made and sexy lawyer with a suspicious bulge in the trouser area that wasnt the wallet went to pay.

Then dear readers back to the hotel room but no time to play as dinner reservation had been made so he had to hang on while i changed into the new pressies and put a rather nice LBD over the top to go out in.....

So a taster pic - not me just what we brought!! Pics to follow later

Watch here for installment two!!

Monday, September 14th 2015
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Wow what a weekend!!
Well I haven't written much lately as life has been quieter just seeing regular clients and having regular sexy fun.
So when one of my favourite clients suggested a weekend away I was definitely up for it.
However I wasn't expecting what we did!
We even made the newspapers - the locals didn't approve!!
Love it
So where was I - you ask....
The Effrenata Swingers Lifestyle Festival - look it up - I dare you!!
All the elements of the old Erotica ball and much much more!
Luckily the weather was good and bless him he had booked glam camping and a butler!!! So someone who knew how to lace me into the leather corset he bought me!! See picture - sadly we could only take pics in our tent.
There was entertainment that took entertainment to a new level, dancing.
I felt soooo sexy prancing around in corset and heels - I was wet all night... and nothing to do with the weather - that was kind.
Then suitably fizzed up with Veuve Cliquot we meandered to the swinging areas.
Oh my!! We watched for a while until I just had to join in! What a night. Definitely my sort of festival. When I could take no more we strolled back to our luxurious tent where the butler made hot chocolate and offered a relaxing massage before bed - well who was I to turn down this level of service!
When I finally fell into bed even my highly sexed friend was done in. Don't think I ever slept sooo well!
But.... come morning and the cock was crowing and demanding attention!
So I had to be nice even before the butler bought breakfast.
The we lazed around in the sun - naked! In the pool and the hot tub all day. A little siesta to gird oneself for the delights of the second night which I had been warned would be wilder!!
It was my friends. Everything from first night and so much more. I orgasmed until I could hardly walk!
And today..... well I ache all over in the most delicious way and every ache and twinge brings back gorgeous scenes replaying in my head. I think I will be hot and wet all week on the memories!
So can't wait til next year........
Thursday, June 11th 2015
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Agent Provocateur Mules
So one of my favourite clients had been trying to come to see me for a few days but I've been soooo busy recently with one thing and another! Anyway he finally got to me today which was a real treat as I was having a bring day doing paperwork!! So his special thing is his love of my Agent Provocateur mules. He loves me to answer the door wearing them but today on the way to the bedroom and after I had him stripped off and he was admiring my legs and feet duly encased in said mules I had a naughty thought ....

I thought I might change things around. . So had a bit of fun with his cock wearing them! See the pictures!
It is nice when someone appreciates things!
So I have posted the pics in my gallery and hope you all like them.
Thursday, April 3rd 2014
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Tie and Tease
Yesterday I had a lovely client come to see me who has been before a few times. He walked in with a bag of goodies for me - a Thorntons Easter Egg that I shall save for breakfast on easter day and a nice bottle of Chablis. Mmm mm
He's into gentle tie and tease so after a quick cuppa he had a shower and then lay on the bed at my mercy. I tied his wrists and ankles with silk scarves and then blindfolded him. I proceeded to tease him mercilessly for the next 40 mins. He was gasping and squirming! And his tied up cock was definitely at attention! I took great please in sliding up and down and in and out!
Finally i released the scarves and rode him til he came with a great big explosion!
I hoped he went away happy.
This morning to my delight he sent me a lovely text to say I was a lovely lady and he had a wonderful afternoon.
I love nice clients! It makes doing this very worthwhile.

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