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Saturday, April 3rd 2021
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Same girl - Different day
Hi there good people of AW.....hope your all keeping very horny and well

So, its been quite a while since I frequented this awesome website, so long in fact, that my profile had alas, been deactivated!!!!

However, thanks to the too cool, extremely nice and super efficient folk behind the scenes at Adultwork........its back!!! Yay!!

So just to clear things up: YES it's really me
YES my profile had been removed and YES its now back alive, as am I
Returning from beneath a dirty great rock ive been living under for the past year!!!
So lets get naughty together again real soon and you can show me how to 'DO IT'....as ive forgotten haha lol
Lots of love and peace
Tallulah xx
Monday, June 22nd 2015
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* Wise * Words * Wisdom *
A collection of my most favourite - most funny - most frequently used & aptly appropriate for me to say the words of one of the quotes listed below - out loud - to someone/to know one or just to me bleeding self............at least once a f**king day for some f**king reason!!!!! lol:)


'We'd be fools not to ride this strange torpedo to the end.'
- Hunter S. Thompson
US journalist (1939 - 2005)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


“Sometimes people let the same problem make them miserable for years when they could just say, SO WHAT.
That’s one of my favorite things to say - SO WHAT!!
— Andy Warhol (via andywarhol-art)

“I think it’s intoxicating when somebody is so unapologetically who they are.”
Don Cheadle (??????)


'Those who fly solo - have the strongest wings'
- The Illuminati


'Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.'
- Oscar Wilde
Irish dramatist, novelist, & poet (1854 - 1900)


“I’d like to destroy you a few times in bed.”
Ernest Hemingway, The Snows of Kilimanjaro


“Id much rather be someone’s shot of whiskey than everyone’s cup of tea”
— Carrie Bradshaw


“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.”
— Steve Jobs (apple dude)

'You aren't rich until you have something that money can not buy'
- The Illuminati
Sunday, December 14th 2014
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....I like sex ALOT.....I am truly a tactile, sensual being.
My sexuality is a massive part of my personality and character.....

I put my often 'heightened state of arousal' down to being a person whose 5 sensory pathways are continuously stimulated......and always....'switched on'!! Its this....my personable friendly nature and also constant search for sensory satisfaction.......that means that, sexually - I am up for - into - and gets off on......almost anything and everything!!!

The 5 Senses

SIGHT.......... I really am someone turned on by the 'visual' aspect of sex - I regulary get off watching pornography and actually have a private collection of films that rivals any males. I also really love to 'watch/see' (myself & others) having sex - for example.....in a mirror, in the daylight or caught on film or video camera!!! Due to the fact that visual stimulation is so important to me and my general sexual arousal.......I have only one hard limit (something I will not do)......and that is blindfolds.

SOUND......I enjoy all different styles and types of music......particulary for sex......Sex music is abit like lift music....needs to be right or else it takes over and ruins the....'mood'!!!

TOUCH......Im a super...'touchy, feely' and sociable type of person who loves being in someones company...... and making them feel good.....makes me feel good:) I also find that - to help promote a relaxed and erotically charged experience for us both - my skills as a fully trained holistic body massage therapist.....can come in handy, no end!!! Your also very welcome to request this service to be included should you specifically want it.

TASTE....to be continued

SMELL........Im hugely turned-on by the 'smell' of man....that smell that you get when his cock and balls smother your face while your rimming his ass.....hole....... and also, just the smell of sex in general......the scent of my own pussy on my fingertips.....(or on your face)......and my underarms gets me super excited and aroused ready for sex as well!!!!
Thursday, June 27th 2013
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A Load of Old Arse (art)!!!!!
Oh Dear!!!!

I seem to have started something off here........or rather - the sight and story of my chunky ass cheeks....(as written below).....has started something off here!!!

In-fact, never a truer word (or picture) has ever been so much as uttered quietly or discreetly said so under breath - regarding anything about or to do with, the content of, or source of such - contained herein the wordings of my little light reading/light writing (and lightly amusing) Adultwork blog.......

Well Not Anymore.........!!! The Silence 'Arse' been broken!!!!......(oh-errr)...... 'Has Been' broken, rather!!!! LOL

Bum (notes and) jokes aside......the basic truth of the matter is this....its My Arse!!.........My Arse being....(has been/iscurrentlybeing???).......an inspiration to/for some.........(errr)........some Art(?)
Infact......you could describe it as 'my bum being' an.............


(que Lols, hurrahs, hahas and drums.....Bah-Dum-Tish!!!)

Anyhoo.....Someone, some person/dude/guy......(A Fan - as it were??) signing Nimrod? (u know who u are!!!)......
Emailed me a reply........a reply containing not just his written thoughts/comments/opinion etc etc in response to 'The size/the shape/thelifeandtimes of - 'My Arse'...........but also a copy to keep myself, of the matching artwork - truly inspired by...............

ASS-SPIRED by ........my arse!!!!

Looks like a right Load of Old Arse to me eh!!!!!!

Thanx Nimrod - Your a babe
Sunday, June 2nd 2013
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Like Big Butts?? And Can Not Lie??
Sure I heard a song about that once?? hehe

A-hem.....Yes - anyway........moving on!!!

About Big Butts........

I can honestly say to you - officially - to the good people of Adultwork.......MY ARSE is now twice the frickin size it was originally!!! Doubled in size im sure.......

Over the past few years ive noticed some subtle changes - seen and heard - watching myself grow and develop in more ways than one could imagine.............

For Instance...........

Gone are the long lazy days i spent lounging around in my bedroom at home, listening to music, smoking pot, generally just 'chilaxin' and 'hanging about' - trying to make that tough decision that faced me almost - each and every day................
Shall i go into college today???

Or....???......Can i just not be f**king arsed!!!!!

That lazy... almost 'dormant', slightly 'comatose' period of my life got replaced!!!.........
A brand new model took over at some point.....a super shiny bright-eyed being......all singing and dancing.....bursting with life and enthusiasm - hungry to get out into the world and learn....'go places'.....'do stuff'.....live a little......

So Yeah anyway.............a couple of weeks of that shit saw me get bored of that 'New Model' - ditching her swiftly and moving on to the next new, big and exciting development!!!
A stage of my life that was to take a firm hold of me - grabbing me tightly and not letting go.....for about errr...... the next 8 years!!!!

My beloved Hard House + Trance music, Fluffy Boots and Hot Pants wearing crazy all-nighter clubbing - The Rave Scene!!!!!

F**king loved every minute of those years.........living only for the weekend - surviving just from one Rave to the next.....trance clubs,warehouse parties, illegal raves, wearing crazy outfits and zippy ruck sacks...glow sticks, friendship beads, strobe lights and banging tunes, no sleep for 3 days straight, dancing your tits off, fluorescent make up and braided hair, bottled water your only friend at the bar - helping you keep on raving and dancing for 10 hours a night...........and this, my friends..... leads me back to clear-up my original statement i mentioned at the beginning of this trip down memory lane.........THE SIZE OF MY FRICKIN ARSE!!!!!

8 Years of hardcore raves and necking more stimulant drugs than you can shake a stick at...........had a massive amount of influence and unbelievable control - over the size and shape of, not just my arse but all of me!!!!
Sadly - but nevertheless, quite rightly so..........those days are long gone and past - leaving me behind memories of a absolutely great time......a life long addition to the Trance music 'RUSH'!!(?)........some dogdey 'Jungle is Massive' 90's tape packs.........and not forgetting............

A tight, little and quite literally half the size it is these days...........ARSE!!!!!
Friday, March 29th 2013
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The Story of Wilson
Full name and also professionally known as - WILSON THE WILLY!!!

Not known him all that long......and we've only actually had the pleasure of getting to know each other - once!!!
One time only........a one night stand!!!
Need to get him out and about more over this bank holiday weekend - meet new people, go new places and all that.......it'll be good for both of us!!!!
It'll be abit like therapy - some quality bonding time thrown in as well for good measure!!!

Soon have him 'loosened' up abit!!! (or should that be me??)
He'll be able to put his tough past behind him - life on the street aint easy when your abit of a 'Prick'!!!
Shouldnt say that name too loud - he dont like it!!!

I get to call him by his street name - this bad boy was a mean motherfucker on the streets let me tell ya!!!!
He werent just a 'prick'!!

He was a fucking........TA-DA.........DICK ON A STICK!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 2nd 2013
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Panty Party
Panties, knickers, thongs, botty-riders - whatever your style??
Underwear, under-garment - VPL, stuck right up your chuff, picking 'em out your bum crack when know-ones looking - when you think know-ones looking!!!!
That's why i hate them!!!
Irritating piece of material, digging in, a right good wedgie!!!
and that's why i don't wear them - not as an under-garment anyway!!!!
I choose to wear the 'pretty panty' as an adornment, an outfit, an exaggeration of curves!
Feel the flimsy fabric tightly wrapped on the flesh - firm, round flesh and naked thighs - framed, like a pretty picture!!
You see......panties worn in this way, have a very different style of approach to the irritating under-garment 'wedgie'........the embarrassing 'bum-picking' moment now becomes - a camel toe!!!
And everybody loves a good 'Camel Toe'.....don't they;)
Sunday, November 4th 2012
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Aliens on Planet Earth
Ok.......so the 'Battle of the Sexes' argument is nothing new!!!
Around since the dawn of humanity, i expect!!
Constant analysis and comparison.....frustrated viewpoints, unfamiliar thought processes, battling to 'Get' one another/understand, gender strengthens and weaknesses, who does what best?, our roles in society.........blah blah blah.....the list goes on, however traditional or contemporary your values.

Its all around me!! I'm trapped!!!......everyone i know, well or otherwise.....is in some round about way or another.... complaining about a member of the opposite sex!!!

*People please!!!...its so dull and evolutionary stunted!!!!*

I wouldn't mind.... if lessons were learnt, life experience was gained, personal development achieved......but no.....its the same old shit, over and over again.......during conversations my mind often drifts and all i hear is the sounds of heads banging together very loudly!!!

A plus side to hearing the relationship turmoils of my friends and folk is it shows evidence of truth behind a popular worldwide question.......'Does alien life exist????'

Well people......i can confirm that YES....alien life exists!!!! I am the only one of my kind left.......Clearly!!!!!
Monday, August 27th 2012
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A Pearl Necklace???
A classic and timeless piece of jewellry, an obvious image that springs to mind.....for most of us......
However......why?, when i hear the words 'A Pearl Necklace' does my imagination show me something entirely different, something a world away from the beauty of a string of bright and shining pearls adorning the slender neck of an attractive woman........
I see......the damp and ruined face of a wanton whore.....
A whore damp with sweat and tears, streaks of hair stuck to her tear stained cheeks, make-up smudged and smeared out of place.......the appearance of one who has been used? Used by the strong and powerful figure that stands before her, his hands firmly griping her face up towards him, her hair wound tightly around his fingers......his grip strong, it pulls at the root of her hair, she cannot move, she winces.......she has no choice but to stay as she is, on her knees at his feet, waiting for his acknowledgement........

The dizzy heights of his climax fading, riding the gentle waves of pleasure left behind.......he looks down....looks down at his whore....his whore that he uses to milk and drain his heavy and aching balls!!

Well, fancy that!!!
It would appear that the throat fucked slut is also wearing 'A Pearl Necklace' but the name, im afraid, is where the similarity ends!!!!

Unlike the shimmering brilliance and ladylike hue of the attractive woman's Pearl Necklace........his whore is wearing a far more meaningful 'Pearl Necklace'......especially prepared just for her...........just for her....from deep inside, the belly of his loins, the pit of his throbbing cock and balls......he saved it.......saved it to empty into his whore when he had finished using her warm, wet throat....... when she had milked him to completion.......
However.....today, just for a change......he decided to shoot his load all over her pathetic face and neck.......decorating it with thick white 'Pearls'........
The kind of Pearls that i imagine when i hear the words...........

'A Pearl Necklace'
Tuesday, August 7th 2012
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Vouyeur or vanity!!!!
Ok.....so i have a thing about mirrors!!!!!
I love them......i have mirrors in every room in the house, at least 3, positioned so that whatever way you look, your reflection bounces back at you in a kaleidoscope of angels!!!!
The thought puts horror into some of us who do not want to be reminded of that extra few pounds that they still haven't lost or that patch of cellulite that seems to be getting bigger every time you look at it etc.....
But to me......the image in the mirrors is like looking at someone else, like watching a scene unfold in front of you, stimulating your imagination, egging you on and beckoning you into its shiny glass world, where you are not you anymore.......you are whoever you want to be!!!
The confident, alluring female that dominants the reflected room at the center of the mirrored world, is in control.........its your very own porno and everyone is watching and wanting!!!!
So.....Voyeurism or vanity........call it what you will?? What im basically saying is that............
I Like To Fuck In Front Of Mirrors!!!!
Tuesday, August 7th 2012
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The joy of the adeptly named 'GloryHole'!!!!
The thrill of being completely blind to your tormenter and having only the small opening, just big enough to fit a stiff and throbbing cock, a wet and desperate cunt or a fleshly nipple and heavy breast.......begging to be touched, licked, sucked!!!!! Aching to be relieved by the mouth/hand of a stranger concealed on the other side of the wall!!!!
Alternatively.......i believe i have a 'GloryHole'........infact i have 3........all waiting to be fucked and used like a little bitch on heat, having all her holes filled by the alpha male who's ready to unload his spunk into her!!!!

Take a look through the GloryHole and see me using my GloryHole!!!!!!

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