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Monday, August 9th 2021
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Hi Guys

Well things do seem to be on the up again at last. It’s been an awful 18 months but at least we are getting back to some kind of normality with all the bars and restaurants open again and I’m able to start seeing some more of you as well. Have you all missed me??

I was lucky enough to go the theatre as well last weekend, that’s a first in 2 years!!!
Train to London in the morning (a little hung over), taxi to the West End, lovely hotel, Fantastic show and late supper in China Town finished off with a little shopping in Covent Garden the following morning in torrential rain!!! But it was well worth it.
What did we go and see? Pretty Woman of course, what else? LOL
In all, a bit hectic but a great weekend.

Now then, keep an eye open for my tour dates, it’s time to catch up again, Ring and book early and make up for all that lost time!!

Love to you all and see some of you soon.

Monday, March 22nd 2021
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Hi Guys

I really hope you have all been keeping well this last year. I’ve been bored as hell, no holiday’s, hardly any meals out and very little fun! But with any luck we’ll all be out of the woods soon.

I’ve been keeping busy at home mostly, did have a little fun a couple of weekends ago though. I don’t think I told you. I got myself a Hot Tub for the garden last year and Wow, did that get some use with the wonderful weather we had!!
Well, time came a couple of weeks back to start thinking about filling it up again for this year, luckily my friend Amy knows all about these things and offered to help. By the end of the day and two bottles of Prosecco later it had been cleaned and filled!! And yes, me being me, I got my bikini on and got in!!!! Big mistake, It was so damn cold!!! LOL
Still, a couple of days later it had warmed up properly and the weather had improved as well, not as good as last year yet, but it got me thinking it was time for a springtime trial. I invited Amy over on Saturday afternoon along with a friend of mine, John. Well, the beer, wine and Prosecco flowed, we even got the Bar B Q out!!!. Still a bit on the cold side in March but it was fine while we stayed in the Hot Tub, and that we did, until the not so small hours of Sunday morning. A great time was had by all. Especially John!!! Think it needs to warm up a bit more yet before the next Bar B Q though. Doesn’t it John!! LOL!!

Well, that’s it for now and hopefully I may catch up with some of you soon.

Lots of Love
Saturday, November 14th 2020
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Hi guys ,

Well, here we go again!!! One week into lockdown and I’m bored already.
It’s not like the first time around. Remember the weather, it was fantastic!! I spent days in the garden sunbathing and just enjoying an unexpected break. Ok, it did go on a bit and like for a lot of you as well it was a bit tough financially, but we got through it. I even got the chance to get away to the sunshine abroad for a week at the end of it all!
How different it is now! Get up in the morning, it’s dark and probably raining, it’s cold and the chances of going into the garden are zero. No cocktails on the patio or spur of the moment Bar B Ques. That reminds me, I really must put the Bar B Que away. LOL
This time around though I’m just spending my days cooped up in the house trying to find something to do, with the main highlight of the day being a nice hot stew, some crusty bread and butter for tea followed by an early night tucked up warm in bed and good old Netflix!!
Bloody hell I hope this doesn’t go on any longer than a month.

Well Guy’s, that’s it for now, I’m missing you all. You all stay safe and I’ll be back as soon as I can.

Lots of Love
Brooke XXX
Monday, June 8th 2020
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Can’t help but spill the beans
Hi Guys

How are you all keeping then? Still in lockdown but at least we can all see a few people now.
As I said in my last blog, it felt like a holiday to start with and it was great to spend all that time at home but it’s been going on for a long time now, and the bloody weather’s changed for the worse as well!!

You know, I love my life as an escort, I work damned hard when I’m away on my tours and I actually enjoy meeting all you guys, you’re all different you know, but you’re all kind and respectful to me and that’s what counts and I just can’t wait to get back on the road. I won’t though until I think the time is right, and I know that more than one or two of you are waiting for that day to arrive. Don’t worry, that day will come and we’ll have a ball again!!!!!

It’s been quite hard for the last few weeks for a lot of people not being able to work, including me, but at least I had some savings. I’ve been doing some cam and chat work to keep some penny’s rolling in, every little helps you know. Oh, and I’ve had loads of time on my hands to write stories for my content page, if you have ever read any of my stories you may think they are all fiction, well some of them are. But there are also some that are actually true accounts of my encounters, which is which is for you to figure out and if you meet me one day and ask me face to face, I will honestly tell you if you are right.
The most recent stories start with Terry’s Return, so far there are four, they follow on so if you do read them you had better start there LOL, Oh, and tell me what you think as well.

I’ll be back on my tours soon as I can guys but not until I can get my hair and nails done, after all I do always try to look my best for you.

Lot of Love

Tuesday, June 2nd 2020
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Another day in Lockdown
Hi Guys,
Another boring day then. I’m at the stage now where I don’t even know what day of the week it is anymore and I can’t believe how quiet it seems everywhere, no traffic noise or anything. Hopefully though we’ll get back to normal soon.

There is one good thing, it’s fantastic sunbathing weather and the bar b que’s getting more use than it’s had in years! I’m on my second bottle of gas already. Just a shame I can’t have all my friends around though, going to have a damn good party when this mess is all over!!!

Have you seen the news this morning? Government ban on sex!!! Well that’s what it reads like anyway. I’m OK though, I’ve got my very own PPE, full latex cat suit, gloves and hood!! Never thought my latex collection would come in that handy. LOL

Well, I’m off out on a bike ride today for my exercise, done a lot of that recently, getting to see a lot of lovely places now that are local to me but I’ve never been too. It’s quite surprising how much you miss when we just drive around in a car all day. Talking about cars, is anybody else’s car getting three weeks to the gallon? LOL.

Well, I’ve got to do my packed lunch now, so I’ll have to sign off. Still not sure when I’ll be back up and running, so to speak but let’s hope It’s not too long now.

Stay safe Guy’s
Lots of Love

PS. May be another story coming up soon, got to keep busy you know Ha-Ha

Tuesday, May 26th 2020
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Hi Guys,

Well here we are into the 8th week of lockdown and having a ball. NOT!!!!!
How are you all doing then? Missing me and my tours? I ‘m missing you Guy’s and I’m certainly missing all the fun!
I’ve popped some more pics up on my private gallery recently so why not take a look at those, and my videos, a girl’s got to make a living you know and every little helps at the moment and I’ll be very grateful when we next catch up, Ha ha!!
I don’t know about you but I end up on the internet half the day out of boredom but I am having to steer clear of my favourite shopping sites, it’s all about cutting your cloth as they say.

On another point, some of you will remember Terry, he came and went on a couple of occasions but just before all this mess started he ended up coming back (he can’t really stay away no matter how much I humiliate him LOL). Well as he was living in the house at the start of all this he’s still here and am I grateful!! After Terry moved out the last time I had to get a gardener and odd job man for all those things, cost a bloody fortune!! Not any more though and poor old Terry can’t move out at the moment even if he wanted to. Ha-ha.
More about that another day.

That’s it for now, at this part of my Blog I would normally say keep your eyes on my Tours tab for where I’ll be. But not at the moment because I’ll tell you now where I’ll be. AT HOME!!

Stay Safe Guys, as frustrating as it is we will meet again. (seem to have heard that somewhere!)

Lots of Love
Brooke xxx

PS: keep an eye out for my stories guys just might be posting something new soon xx
Monday, April 27th 2020
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Hi Guys

How are you all coping with this lockdown then? For me the first week or so was great, a bit like a holiday. I shouldn’t say that really but you know what I mean. I had time to do all those little things around the house and garden that I never had the time for before and I’ve amazed myself with my new-found baking skills! I suppose it’s just about having the time. And the weather’s been great too!

But now I’m getting a bit bored and can’t wait for all this to be over, I’m missing you all, I’m missing my friends, I’m missing the Bars and the restaurants not forgetting the SHOPPING!!! But most of all, I’m missing the fun and naughtiness Ha Ha. You know what I’m like!! After all, I’m a single girl. Thank God for my toys!!!

Like the rest of us, I’m not sure yet just when I’ll be back to work but I guess it’ll be a little while yet. In the meantime, I may be doing a little direct chat or even some webcam! So, keep your eyes open on my profile.

See you all as soon as I can Guys and remember. Stay home, stay safe, Save lives!!!

Lots of love


Thursday, August 15th 2019
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Well, I’ve just got back after a very naughty weekend. A friend of mine, had invited me to a weekend away in a secluded log cabin. I had been looking forward to it for weeks and then last week all sorts of naughty things started to spring to mind (some of you that know me, know what I’m like!) eventually I convinced him to let me ask a friend of mine, Amy, to join us for the weekend, I knew he’d agree. Amy is quite naughty as well so between her and I we hatched a plan ensuring that he knew we were in control from the outset. I love being dominant!!! And most of the time I was very dominant, that is until he and Amy hatched a plan for me behind my back!!

Well guys, I’m back home still smiling at the antics of the weekend and looking forward to my little tour this week. Take a look and see where I’ll be and I promise not to be to dominant, that is unless you want me to of course!!

Love to you all.



PS. Keep an eye on my Erotic stories you never know I may do one about the weekend.
Thursday, January 31st 2019
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Hi Guys

Well here I am again. Just driven home after a few days on tour, horrible drive though, all that damn snow it's lovely when your at home and don't have to go anywhere but not on the motorways. Mind you it did make me chuckle a bit. It reminded me of when it snowed heavy a couple of years ago. Again I was on my way home when my phone rang, it was John a good friend of mine, he had just had a hot tub installed at his house that day and was having a christening party that night. Well it was Friday so I found myself accepting the invite.

By the time I got to his house there were already 3 girls in the Hot Tub with a couple of guys and John wasted no time in encouraging me to get in and warm up a bit as he put it.
Needless to say, the drink flowed and we were soon all quite tipsy, the conversation got around to sex and one of the girls asked if anyone had ever done it naked in the snow. We all had to admit that none of us had, It was then that the "up to now" quietest girl suggested it's time to change all that. She took me by the hand and helped me out of the tub. The lawn was covered in snow, we were both naked, she laid me down on my back, bloody hell it was cold. All I can say now is that she then sat astride my face and the next thing I remember is her warm breath between my thighs. Well that all happened a couple of years ago and by the end of the night non of us were snow sex virgins anymore!!!

Fancy trying it? Ha Ha.

Well that it for now guys. Keep your eyes on my tour tab for where i'll be.

Lots of Love

Monday, April 16th 2018
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I havn't blogged for a while, I just don't seem to get the time to sit down and write as often as I used to but at least i've managed one this week.

Well, it all started off when a friend of mine, Neil , had rang a few days before and asked me out for dinner on Friday night. He had booked a very nice seafood restaurant for the meal and suggested awe go to a cocktail bar first. Oh Dear, me and margarita’s!!. Well we got to the restaurant ordered oysters to start, always good for the night ahead! Lol. Now by the time our main course arrived and with the wine on top of the cocktails I was feeling a bit tipsy. It was while we were eating our main course that my phone rang, It was John, he had borrowed my lawn mower a couple of days previously and wanted to return it. Not thinking, I told him I was out for a meal but would be back about 9:30 so pop round with it then if you like. Neil didn’t seem too pleased about that but what the heck.
By the time the taxi dropped Neil and I off home I was very tipsy and Neil was on his way to but it didn’t stop us opening more wine and beer. It was then that John arrived and being the social person I am, I invited him in for a drink as well. We all chatted for a while, Neil and John seemed to be getting on fine as well and the booze kept flowing. It wasn’t long before the conversation got around to sex and kinks, we discussed all sorts of things, fetishes, Sub Dom, BDSM etc It was then that my mischievous side came out. I went upstairs leaving the guys chatting, when I came down I was wearing my latex cat suit, you should have seen the look on Neil and John’s faces as I said, “Well, we were talking about Sub and Dom, wern’t we? I’m not Sub but let’s find out who is!!!”
It turned out to be a very long and naughty night!

Well Guy’s that’s it for this week, Keep your eyes open for where I’ll be and don’t forget to book early

Lots of Love
Brooke XXX

PS. Oh There may well be a full account of that naughty night in my erotic stories very soon so if you want to know more, keep checking.

Tuesday, January 23rd 2018
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Hi Guys ,

Well, there you go, I don’t blog for months and then I do two in a couple of weeks. You see it’s like I said in my last blog, it just takes something different to happen to get me writing again.

This is what happened just a very short while ago. I was on tour and my phone rang, nothing unusual about that you might say. The gentleman on the phone seemed a little shy to be honest, there’s nothing unusual about that either but I managed to put him at ease and a booking was made for the following day at lunchtime, he said he wanted to take me for lunch and then go shopping, well that was music to my ears as I just love shopping!!!

Over lunch the next day he slowly became more relaxed and talkative, he told me that the sparkle had gone out of his relationship with his wife and that he loved her very much and he wanted to try and do something to put it back. To be honest, at that point I thought “How is spending a couple of hours with an escort going to do that?” He was a charming man, mid 50’s I would guess, very polite and very courteous and seemed quite sincere in what he was saying.

Well, after lunch we went shopping, he bought me the most beautiful dress and I just love it!! At that point I asked him if we should be making our way back to my hotel. He looked a little sheepish but then he asked If we could do some more shopping but in a different type of shop. I was a little confused but when he explained that he’d never been able to bring himself to go into one, I realised what he meant. I smiled at him and said, “You mean an adult shop don’t you?” With my realisation confirmed we walked further up the street where there was adult superstore, obviously the restaurant had been carefully selected for lunch. LOL

Inside the store he was a little nervous at first but then became totally relaxed as I began picking up items and chatting with the friendly staff. I was talked into trying on a couple of outfits, one quite saucy nurse’s outfit and then a tight black PVC number. He ended up buying a very nice rabbit, a couple of butt plugs, a ball gag, paddle, handcuffs and the tight black PVC jumpsuit, but not in my size?

When we left the shop time was getting on so I again suggested returning to my hotel. It was at that point he told me that although he found me extremely attractive and would dearly love to go to bed with me, that had never been his intention. He was truly grateful to me for helping him and giving him the courage to go into that shop and he just hoped that the toys he had bought may do something to put the sparkle back into his relationship. With that he thanked me, gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked off.

Well, I’ve never had a booking like that before!! Still, I got a meal, a dress and my fee out of it and he seemed happy anyway. It obviously worked for him as well, because the following day I got a text from him thanking me for everything and telling me that everything had been well used the night before and he and his wife had both pulled a sicky today!!! On top of that his wife loved the PVC jumpsuit and was wearing it now!!!

Perhaps I should change my profession and become a Relationship Counsellor!!!! LOL

Well that’s it for now Guys. Keep looking at my tours tab for where I’ll be and give me a call.

Brooke xxx

PS. Terry’s back!! I’ll update you on that in my stories in a few days time, why not take a look.

Sunday, January 14th 2018
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Hi Guys,

Now, it’s been a little while since I have written a blog, I must be slipping! But to be honest, I go through phases, sometimes it’s easy and other times I just can’t think what to write. That is of course until something interesting or unusual happens.

Well, that’s just what happened. There was I, away on tour sitting in my hotel room when my phone rang, I answered to a very pleasant sounding man who asked me if I’d be willing to do an outcall, we discussed the formalities and the booking was made for that evening. The rest of the afternoon was quietish, always is in January, you guys shouldn’t spend all your money at Christmas LOL.

Having got ready for my outcall I jumped in the car and made my way to the address. I was greeted at the door by a very nice gentleman and shown into the lounge. Formalities taken care of he said for me to go upstairs. “Oh my God I thought” when I got up there, one of the rooms was fitted out with all manner of bondage equipment, benches with straps, hooks in the calling and so many toys it nearly made even my eyes pop out. Now, this took me back to that time the year before last year when I got involved in a little bondage session. Some of you may remember that blog (June 2016) on that occasion it was with a friend though, but I can still remember getting a very sore arse!!

Well, I had a very nice time with the gentleman that evening, I did however decline the offer of being strapped to a bench or indeed having my hands tied to a calling hook whilst my ankles were held apart with a spreader bar!!

To be honest though, as I have said before, I am far more Dom than Sub but you never know, perhaps if it was as a duo!! Only perhaps though LOL

Lots of Love and I promise to try and blog more often.

Look at my tours Guys and don’t forget to book early!!
Brooke xxxx
Saturday, September 30th 2017
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Hi all,

Did you know that MAY is International Masturbation Month!! It’s true, it started in the US a few years ago when a lady, Joycelyn Elders the US surgeon general condoned the encouragement of young people masturbating in an effort to stop the spread of AIDS. As usual it was taken out of context and she lost her job but her supporters then set up the idea of International Masturbation Day.

Lets face it though, we all masturbate don’t we? I know I do. I mean, I know I get my fair share of sexual activity but it’s still quite nice when I’m home alone sometimes, to have a nice hot bath, pamper myself and climb into bed naked. When I’m in that sort of mood it’s not long before my fingers start to wander finding my nipples and slowly moving down to my pussy. It’s just so relaxing as my mind wanders off to the times when I’ve had the most amazing sex and you know what, It’s only you that knows exactly how to pleasure yourself to the highest levels of sexual stimulation whether it be with your hand or other toys. I often use my little pink friend if I want to feel some penetration and I do know a couple of male friends that admit to using toy pussy’s but what does it matter, it’s harmless fun and it’s good for you.

So there you go guys and girls, whether it be the five-finger shuffle or the two-finger tango get on with it and have fun. If you need a little help you can always log on to my profile and take a look at my pictures or even my videos!!

Now then, look out for where I’ll be and give me a call. I’ll even give you have a treat and let you watch me masturbate!!

Till next time.

Thursday, March 30th 2017
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Hi Guys ,

Well, Easter is almost upon us and I cant wait. I’m going away on my hols. Off over to the sunshine with the girls again, same place as we went last year when we had a laugh with those guy’s in the villa next door but I doubt that will happen again, mind you, you never know LOL (see March 2016 Blog)
Still, I am looking forward to it though, I do enjoy a little time away just with the girls and we are all very good friends!! It’s even more fun when we all go out to the bars together, we do get a lot of attention from the guys, which is very nice because they do tend to buy the drinks. I know it’s naughty, it must be the devil in us but they are so disappointed when we explain that we really are VERY good friends. Anyway we’ll just have to see what happens.

Talking about being disappointed, I got a message last weekend from a friend. He wanted to take me away for a weekend. Apparently there was going to be an Easter Bunny fancy dress party weekend at a very nice place we sometimes go to and he thought it would be fun, he’d even bought me an outfit to wear!! It did sound like fun to be honest but there was a problem. He went a little quiet when I reminded him that I would be away on holiday that weekend. The trouble is, like all guys, he sometimes does things and book things without thinking, but always with the best intentions. Still, I suppose the outfit will keep till next year LOL.

I suppose I’d better get back to work now and answer your emails and texts, after all I need some money for my hols don’t I? Seriously though guys, If I’m in your area then take a good look at my profile and pics and then give me a call, if you dare that is!!!

Lots of Love
Brooke XXX

PS Oh, By the way Dungeon weekend part 2 is up now.

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