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Wednesday, April 10th 2024
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I really must write more often !!
It's raining...I've been out to town and had a nice breakfast and now chilling in my room. I'm quite reflective today...so many people have "stuff" going on...me included...is this an easy life ??? Absolutely not !!! I am taking this time to reflect on a few conversations with you guys recently...life can be a lot of pressure, it can be especially difficult for men , who may not feel able to express themselves. Sure...many of you will see me, or others, for a darned good time, but plenty of you see me because I'm so womanly, a comfort, reassurance, acceptance. I accept you as you are, I tune into you, it's a skill that has to be innate. Having life experiences really helps me to be authentic, to be compassionate, to accept. I recently clipped off my tendancies to accept bullshit however !! Its not good for me...I do have to draw a line if it starts to drag me down...I will preserve myself ! I do abide by that phrase "you can't pour from an empty cup".

I do tour and it does cause some confusion unfortunately, frustrating when calls come for an area I'm not currently in ! Sorry about that .

So, tactile hugs and kisses from me xxx thankyou everyone
Saturday, August 26th 2023
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The road to healing
So, home since Monday and getting nurse visits daily, I'm doing ok ! Logistics/supply issues with dressings etc is frustrating though. It's like a little clinic in my spare room where I'm camping out with my iPad. Antibiotics will finish tomorrow, I dread to think how much was put through my veins, 7 canulas in all ( including failed ones ). One of my ops was done with a saddle epidural...it's unnerving to say the least but all the theatre staff were amazing and very skilled both technically and interpersonally. So my legs were paralysed and it was the strangest feeling, once all done they said to wiggle my toes....so I looked at my toes and nothing of course BUT my brain BUZZED...I've been trying to find out precisely what is happening then... obviously the message can't get through but I physically felt it in my brain !!! More than once ! Answers on a postcard please.
Yeah and it's 2 am and I should be asleep. Night night.
Wednesday, August 23rd 2023
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I'll be having a break due to illness
Well. This medical stuff is getting rather tedious. I was taken ill last week and had the joys of lying on the floor of a and e for six hours. Turned out I had sepsis, I've been down to theatre twice and now the road to recovery which probably won't be that straightforward but I'm going to do everything possible to aid my recovery ! District nurses are true angels. SSo, bang went my holiday and I'm seesawing between being very upbeat and then feeling sorry for myself. I'll maybe pop another blog on soon. I know some of you read them ( hello !) and I don't know when I'll be able to work again especially as I need daily medical help. Nice messages are welcome of course xx
Thursday, July 27th 2023
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The twilight zone...
I've had a surreal 24 hours ! My first ever guy who tricked me and didn't pay, I hope he feels like an utter TW#T as I identified a serious medical issue before he ran off. I try to be nice and not make our meet feel processed but he took me for a fool.

It's been silly question time too , oh my DAYS !!!! I GET that there are naive questions but I've had some truly eye-blinking ones. I downed phone and went for a coffee and a mooch in the shops in stone ( my gosh there's been/continues some serious building work there since I lived round here ! ) I try to look after my mental health, I don't work a production line and politely decline or ignore soooooo many unsuitable enquiries every day. One person asked me if I washed in-between clients. Jesus. I laughed to myself....you have to get someone to turn up first after you've screened the ones that will rob, r##e or attack you. "Hi babe, u avail" "outdoor meet?" "£30 take it or leave it" "Hiya u ok" - oh. my. DAYS.
Sunday, December 25th 2022
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Happy Christmas - I'll be back :)
It's been a hell of a year, sorry I've not been around much lately as I've had some medical issues ( one of them caused by the medication for the first issue ! ) so I've had a mad dash to A and E, a CT scan, and then really I needed to go a week later but no ambulances and no taxi it seemed...that wasn't a good night ! I got through and I'm getting better but obviously needed to rest and recuperate but I'm restless so don't worry...I'll be back. It's been very strange with a fairly quiet phone, thankyou to everyone who messaged wondering where I'd vanished to ! I missed my musical activities this Christmas which was upsetting but I couldn't play my sax anyway let alone be safe to travel :(
So...see you next year maybe, be well xxx Chrissy xxx
Tuesday, December 14th 2021
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Almost the end of the year and well overdue a blog
Hello guys, yeah it's been another rollercoaster year for many of us and for me it's had some really tough times...this isn't going to be sexy talk but I do hope it reminds some of you that I have an ordinary life too !!

So. Some of you know that my partner has a brain tumour, it's been a catalogue of errors, oversights and a lot of damned waiting but FINALLY....MAYBE....LETS CROSS EVERYTHING....it's due to be removed early next year. It should have been removed a few weeks after it was 'discovered' but hey, covid had other ideas. I have no real idea how this will go... obviously it's going to be rather traumatic and recovery is usually maybe 6 months if all goes well. So, there's going to be a period of time where my work will be a bit tricky, I may only be in a position to take bookings on any particular day for instance rather than in advance. I don't know how long post op I will need to be with him 24/7. He's the priority of course so do bear with me. During the early days I can imagine I will only take bookings from known clients due to the high unpredictability of new clients. I've had a couple of health glitches which is maddening and yeah, I'm not being monitored properly. I know I've let 2 or 3 of you down being unable to work :( We have also had an utterly tragic death in the family...leaving us shaken to the core. Yes I've also encountered some alarming guys and one or two that ...were... VERY worrying. Agh. Escorting can be very stressful...if you think it's a walk in the park....let me assure you whilst there are many FABULOUS men , warm souls, there are some darker souls :( I've done some ordinary work this year too and will do some more next year - I don't work full time. Answering messages also takes an inordinate amount of time !
So ...looking to the next few weeks, yes I'll be working SOME days so hopefully that will make you smile :)

I am looking to do some more photos, I definitely need to treat myself to some more lingerie and shoes and I will straighten my crown !!

Hugs if you need them . Thankyou

Sunday, August 29th 2021
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Getting into my new lifestyle
So I'm getting used to packing fewer things and I'm pretty good at remembering all my essentials such as chargers. I even pack a mini set of vitamins :) I have been in my old stomping ground of Bromsgrove a fair bit but also Redditch and Walsall, Birmingham - I'll be travelling further afar too. I can't answer everybody and... Guys... Please send good first messages. 'hiya babe' can easily get overlooked. An ideal message to me might be something like "hello , I'm Dave , English guy 47 and looking for an hour of your time for g.f.e style play. I'm available for certain anytime between 2 and 7 pm so please let me know, thankyou x" - its a polite, concise, informative message and it gets my attention !
It's been lovely to catch up with gentlemen I've not seen for a while obviously, I've also met some lovely new guys - I am humbled by all your well wishes too.
Oh and I was treated to a full on roast dinner today...I do all the cooking at home and deliveries aren't viable so this was amazing, felt bad that I just couldn't finish it though :(
Well ... another week stretches before me, the week of my birthday :) I'm not sure what I'm doing yet but there will be some fun...I'll make sure of that !!!
Hugs if you need them xxx
Thursday, July 1st 2021
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Hotel life...some giggles along the way !
I really must learn to stop bringing so much ....STUFF !!! I've learned I've clearly got a skincare/toiletries/makeup 'problem' - wow it's a lot to cart about and that's even WITH some in travel sized. I love the mini sized skincare items ...an absolute SUCKER (who could guess...) for the sets from the makeup brands although maybe now I really do have too many eye creams...

I can't bring a huge selection of clothes and goodness knows, it's hard enough deciding what to bring with such changeable weather ! I need a decent suitcase for sure.

Hotel windows present me with those two choices...boil alive or endure the roar of traffic...sigh. I had a GREAT tip given to me to bring pegs to clip any nets or curtains closed... brilliant. Maid service can present problems although hilariously I discovered that the hotel I'm in currently doesn't service the occupied rooms...well ...I wish I'd realised ! They certainly didn't tell me !! I think I've mastered the variety of torture devices that are shower dials now too.

Oh and I did the intimate oopsie the other day by accidentally booking my room FOR NEXT MONTH !!!! Thankfully it was easily corrected although a bit embarrassing to arrive at reception to find out my error. DOH. Hotel food really varies from fairly gross to eye wateringly expensive but thankfully I've had mostly a good experience. One hotel has become a quaranteen hotel....sad face....they have fridges in the rooms and I really like that benefit :(

I keep myself discreet but maybe I am 'clocked', there's certainly no issues with the hotels thankfully, they know it goes on and I've been very respectful. I'll be travelling a bit more but very often close to 'home'.

The rest of my life continues much the same,I've even been to a small wedding and I'm playing in a concert soon ...wow !

Huggles and kisses and sorry if I've missed you, send texts ! X
Monday, May 24th 2021
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The world stood still but some things never change
Well, we've got a bit of freedom back, I've had my hair cut, I've cried at the incompetence of our g.p, I've eaten a meal not cooked by me ! I've seen family and friends, I've bought a dress !!


I've not missed the absolute drivel of being messed about. I know it's part of this, I know there's crappy bits of every job and I KNOW who the good guys are because I've met them. My heart sinks sometimes, like ... REALLY sinks, no wonder a lot of ladies are stopping, no wonder many can't stick it for long - I'm no longer relying on this 'full time' myself.

I'm not a negative person but spending the last year wondering if I'd survive covid let alone what I've already got going on, knowing my partner faces a very serious operation - brings it home.

The utter time wasters won't be reading this blog though will they. They WILL be sending way too many messages asking questions, they will be 'called into work' , they will be not showing up, they will be trying to push boundaries, they will be asking personal questions about my private life, they will be scaring me and weirding me out. They will be sending messages that make me shudder. They will be trying to make me drop my price. ....they are the ones that make me stop doing this. I've had several of you buggers today. I'm not coming back to Dudley for sure !


you aren't all like this are you

There are you guys, you diamonds !!! Anyone who has met me and maybe listened aghast at what I can go through. I rarely moan and complain and I absolutely treasure you , you who have supported me and asked about me, and turned up !!!

Im sat here and wondering why I bothered, it's weighing heavy, thankfully I still have some hope. I have learned. I have a way forward.

Tuesday, May 4th 2021
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I'm so excited !!!!
Oh my actual god...only a few days till ... I get a haircut !!!!! I LIKE having long hair but mine is very fine and blows around a lot and totally gets in the way ( and yes, especially during sex ) Months and months of growth and it needs a reshape and I can't decide how much to have snipped away ?!? After that ..will I stay blonde...who knows.

I haven't been out much, a trip to town a couple of weeks ago was...a bit unnerving...having been confined so much the huge crowds were unnerving but I'm sure I'll get used to it again. We are almost back to 'normal' huh, ive had both jabs now a while back, I can sigh a big sigh of relief on that front. Do have a read of my profile again ( although I think it's gotten a bit messy and I'll probably completely rewrite it this week )

It's been hard for me as you know from my recent blogs, I know many have struggled even more. I will have a preference for bookings from existing clients to keep everything relaxed, it's hard to explain how I feel. I am BLESSED to have had support and ... my life is changing ... little steps. I BEG you to consider if you really CAN honour a booking, it really will be a huge deal to me.

Hugs to you if you need one
Wednesday, March 10th 2021
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It's been too long
A lot of what I will say is...the obvious. I've gone through some pretty stressful times in my life and this pandemic is a new situation for all of us. I was floored to find myself in the clinically extremely vulnerable group and I've had some stressful medical issues this year not least aspirating a peanut...what a tale that is !! It's not just children that come a cropper !
The summer was a mixture of carefree and tension and to add to this my partner began struggling with symtoms that we now know is a brain tumour. Not cancer but naughty nonetheless and yeah it needs to be removed...so we wait...and wait. There is zero transparency for appointments, his operation will be lengthy and he will need intensive care and of course that is difficult to guarantee. Ugh.
I'd love to be able to give you a supersexy update but....no....but at least it's not silence and now you know why I've been quiet, my confidence took a shaking. I'm due my second vaccine soon and I think I need to webcam etc and sort my life out !
Thankyou for your support, for your messages, be safe xx
Saturday, August 29th 2020
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Checking in
Flipping heck what a ride ! Don't even get me STARTED in masks in shops ! Over your NOSE !!!! Thankfully I'm choosing my own food now, of all the things I missed that really affected me !! I don't cook as much as I used to, not the variety anyway for health reasons but there's a nice selection for me. Hilariously I had tidied away some things and it's taken me ages to find them... especially all my stockings etc , time to sort through them. Also time for a haircut ! It's been six months for goodness sake. I think I deserve some pampering too. Annoyingly I don't think there's a facility to try on clothes any more ? I've only been barefoot or sandals and walking shoes too ...my oh my I'm going to totter in heels ;)
So, how are YOU ? Horny ? Cuddly ? Kinky ?
Monday, May 25th 2020
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Please stop asking me/heavily hinting to meet.
Listen guys, I get it, sexual frustration is an absolute SOD. But I'm getting more and more requests to meet including 'but other ladies are doing it' .

Trust me, when it's safe I'll be back. I'm shielded and let me tell you it's an absolute bugger. I can't go out and do ANYTHING, no food shopping ( amazing how much I miss that - choosing ingredients, even with a restricted diet but now I'm just losing heart with it, sticking to very few meal varieties ) , no visiting, zero. People that can just jump in their car and go out...I call them 'outsiders'. I know for many people life has carried on but it hasn't for me, please be sensitive to that . If you want to say hello how are you etc that's GREAT but please , no hinting .

To be honest it's all biting in
Thursday, April 9th 2020
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Slowly slowly
Hello again, here I am in my newly assembled little typing nest, grappling with a laptop that’s not been used in a while (update pandemonium) and severe writers block. I DO intend to write some more erotica, there’s some here on my profile already. I’ll enjoy it and it will provide a little income of course. I want to start the webcamming too, more details of that will appear on my profile I promise and I’ll think of other things too. I think I’m moving out of the shock phase more, moving forwards with tasks, shaking off that paralysing fear I’m sure many of you feel. Such confusing times, so much new information, so much contradiction. Who’d have thought it was so hard to get to the truth over whether masks work for ordinary people. I am doing well with my health, the stress doesn’t help anyone and it definitely doesn’t help blood sugars. Many of you who have met me may have had conversations about your general well-being. I’d like to help. I can support, guide, encourage, praise and signpost. I think this can be seen as an opportunity to aim for optimum health, the fitter we are the better we fight this dreadful thing. I am touched by messages and relieved you are ok, even if you only send one message it would be lovely to know you are OK.
It is so lovely right now in the sun, I am lucky I can safely walk and I’m feeding the swans peas, potato peelings (can’t eat these myself) and lettuce if I have any. Also a little bit of bread for them, and the geese and ducks. I’ve looked into it as again, there is some conflicting information. I think we have gained swans round here are there’s not enough food for the population in the city and the birds are starving. Natures way? That’s a tough one. I’m only doing it infrequently but it does give me joy.
There are more and more examples of people helping each other, I cried BUCKETS watching a BBC clip of a school head teacher going out with lunch bags for children in his school from poor households.
I know some of you are key workers and out there, risking yourself every day...I am SO PROUD OF YOU !!!!
Huge hugs as ever xxx

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