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Tuesday, September 26th 2023
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Party on the 25th sept
Well what a wonderful party was had by all. The girls and all the guys who actually took the time to turn up.

We still had 4 guys who just blanked messages on the day.

The first field report if the parry is now up.

The girls looked amazing. Classy. Vixen. Ellie all went above and beyond to make sure no guys balls had anything left in them.

The photo is of the 3 ladies between parties

We are now looking at going to one of our old party haunts of Chelmsford for the next one

Hope to see some familiar faces once again
Thursday, September 7th 2023
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I big thank you
Well after my rant about the guys letting is down I had best say a huge thank you to those who did turn up.

There was 3 very special parties. 7 guys 8 guys and 7 guys

Thank you to those who have taken the time to leave feedback and also to the w guys who have gone and done a field report.

If you wondering if a party is for you. Please take the time to read the field reports

They really do answer all the questions

The girls us the photo from left to right


Vixen was still getting ready but she was there
Saturday, September 2nd 2023
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Clients back to old ways

Well after 3 parties where it was us who left the clients done by arranging girls to play at the parties and having no shows. We have had a party where all the girls have been there and it is the clients who let us down.

This was the first party where we did not ask for a deposit as well. Wonder if that is connected.

By let us down I do not mean cancelled on the day. I mean on the day radio silence. No responses to text or email.

It meant the guys at the parties had 5 girls to play with and only 7 guys at one. 6 at another and 8

They reaped the benefit.

As our feedback shows we do return deposits when we are not delivering what is advertised

So again moving forward we will be taking deposits

Sorry to those who have been brilliant but it is the only way we can guarantee the girls full money

Rant over

The photo is 4 of the 5 girls at the 1st sept party

Left to right


Vixen was in the bathroom
Sunday, July 24th 2016
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times wasters and messers

Well thanks to all you guys and some of the sexiest ladies who party we have just had our 1st anniversary party.

It has come to our attention over the last three or four parties that we seem to have on the day a 20% drop out rate that's guys who cancel on the day. Don't answer the phone. Book with the wrong number. Say they are running late then never show. A little research has shown that 90% of these no shows are guys with 0 feedback.

Going forward anyone with 0 feedback from ESCORTS. will be asked to pay a deposit.

This is returnable if you cancel with more than 48hrs notice. And that is from when we read your email. So no trying it on. At 1am

We book the girls and they keep the party day clear of other work. So if you don't show due to the 2:1 ratio we try and keep to we can not pay them. As every two guys has a girl booked for them. That is not fair on them

We will also leave negative feedback to anyone who does this. So be warned. Don't book if your not 100% sure you want to attend.
Sunday, January 3rd 2016
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Field reports
Happy new year everyone.

Well the parties seem to be popular and we are now getting loads of guys returning which is always good. Means we have to be doing more right than wrong.

Still have so much to learn.

One thing does puzzle us. We must have had playing at the parties this year well over 200 guys. Yet no one has been kind enough to do a field report on adult work for us

It would just be nice to have some on adultwork

Anyway. Hope your all recovered from what ever excesses you got up to over Christmas and the new year.

Looking forward to meeting you in the coming year
Friday, January 1st 2016
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Christmas parties
Hi, Well we hope everyone had a great Christmas and your not too hung over as the new year starts,

Both our Christmas parties went off with a truely huge bang. Thanks to the girls who cam and made it special.

there was too much to remember it al but brief hightlights are

new girl to parties Laura cuming all over the sofa as she sucked one guy off as another was finger fucking her and licking her clit.

Pixiee trying her best to get two cocks in her mouth

Emmas face when she took a fair sized cock in her butt

Anabelle asking for someone to take a photo as she went air tight cocks in pussy arse and mouth x2. Told her not to talk with her mouth open

Pixiee and Whisky saying hi when they first met then snogging their faces for 5 min.

Whisky taking a double ended dildo in her pussy and butt and suck a guy off who came over her face

Pixiee at the end taking a 5 guy spunk shower all over her face

and a special shout goes out to all the guys who came with a great attitude and were great fun

photo is of emma faye and pixiee before the parties started

Wednesday, November 11th 2015
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Our bukkake party

Well it was looking very promising 10 guys booked in and three girls all ready to get their faces covered then the night before the cancellations started.

By the lunch time of the party we had three left. Then 30 min before the start another booking. Looking like at least two girls were going to have fun.

Then we called to let the guys know what apartment to come to two guys would not answer the phone

So in slightly more than 18 hrs we went from 10 to 2

I have a feeling that some of the guys really need to lift their skirts up and with the free hand pull their panties to one side have a good rumage and see if they can find a pair of balls anywhere up there

What a total waste of time in dealing with emails and the girls time who all made sure they were free

Lesson learnt and we will not be trying that again.
Wednesday, November 11th 2015
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Our last party

Well to keep you all up to date.

We was going for a 2 small parties so booked a one bed apartment turned out a real good turn out so the apartment turned out to be on the small side. We will not be using a one bed again.

Nowhere to put clothes and only one bathroom it was sexy and fun with everyone playing in close proximity but needed more space.

Am thinking of asking all party goers to put there phones in a box which will be kept in a secure place for the party.

Our next two parties are getting booked quickly. The girls will be dressing up as sexy santas helpers so come and see we they have in their stockings for you

I have been getting asked about parking. Their are two easy places to park. Cambridge train station car park or the NCP car park at Cambridge leisure park

So come and enjoy the last two parties of this year and see it out with a great Big Bang
Saturday, September 19th 2015
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My party week

Well where do I begin to explain what a manic 48 hours myself and all the wonderful girls who have helped me.

Last Sunday we had four parties fully booked by clients with a few reserves Incase of the odd drop out.

To be expected.

Lucy then let me know that she was unable to do the parties she was down for on the Wednesday as she had a job interview. And asked if Thursday morning party would be free for her. A quick juggle and done. Later she called and said she could not get home in time and best she does not work.

I also thought I had a 100% confirmed line up for each party with reserves Incase of drops outs from the girls

Sunday night two girls ask not to come as they had got too nervous and did not think they could go through with it. One even texted me from her holiday she was so worried and wanted to give me notice

So the parties lost Katie and Lola.

Reserves girls were added

4 clients cancel reserves called up

Monday morning

Sent an email to every client explaining where to be what time and everything. Also sent one to every girl with the information they needed

Every girl then confirmed

By Monday night I had had 10 guys cancel

All The girls were still on

Woke up another 3 had cancelled girls all emailed or texted to confirm they were ok

Could see the 7pm party on Wednesday was running low on guys so asked Kat if she minded doing just the 3pm party then coming back the next day to cover the 11am

By Tuesday evening another 4 had dropped out.

Woke up Wednesday morning 3 more down and Wednesday parties had 4 at each

So I emailed Millie and asked her if she minded not coming as I would not have enough clients examining how guilty I was to ask and how much of a Liberty

She replied in a manner that told me she was not happy

30 min later and I had 6 booked for the 3pm and 5 for the 7pm

Emailed Millie and suggested to save her day and so she would not be totally out of pocket I would love her to come to the first party and I would ask a girl to stand down at that one and if Millie would stand down for the evening the other girl could do that one

Millie had made other plans in the time it took so she was no longer free

Still 6 guys 3 girls not bad evening would be better with 5 guys and 3 girls

While sorting this 2 more cancelled for the Thursday

So I asked Jo a friend who has stepped in to help manage the party on the days I am unable to get away from work and Steve a friend who has helped in the past to show her and guide her to do some shopping for me while I try and fix the missing guys

Texts and emails from every girl confirming they would be there.

At just before 1pm Jennifer emailed me to say she was at her train station and should be in Cambridge for just after 2pm

By 2.30 pm with Emily and Kat in the apartment with Jo and Steve we still had not heard from her. I called her phone it was off or had no signal. Texted no reply and emailed

I am still waiting for reply today

So 30 min before the party is due to start we have 6 guys coming and only 2 girls

Steve asks the girls, would they be comfortable playing at a ratio of 3 to 1.

If they had said no then two of the guys would have been bumped

They said yes

Guys all came the first guy in expressed concern that it might be a cock fight the others arrived and they seemed happy

With in five min one asked to leave as it was not for him

Which he was sadly let out with our best wishes and thanks

So the first party

5 guys 2 girls. A ratio of 2.5 to 1

By the evening party we had recovered to 6 with two late bookings. Which meant I spend two hours trying to get another girl to come to the party with no luck

But again when we called to let every one know the apartment number 2 guys had turned there phones off and two was stuck at work

So the party started with 2 guys and 2 girls

The 2 at work joined a little later

2 to 1 ratio


11 am we had managed to get to 7 bookings in the end with all the cancellations and reserves. Then at 10.15 another one cancelled saying he had car trouble and could not make it. As it was late I thought he would be close enough for me to arrange a lift or pick up for him

Only to be told he was in Norwich. As he was asked to be parked up near the flat for 15 min before the party start time and he was at least an hour and a bit away I suggested to him that in fact he had no intention of coming and had got cold feet.
So now down to 6

We had learnt our lesson from the day before and arranged for a girl to be there on stand by who if all 8 came would work so making it 8 guys and 5 girls and if there was a drop out from the girls she could then step in.

As it happened Nicole who had emailed the day before saying all was well then went quite no answer to text or email although read or calls. Even to this day no explanation

So the girls there waiting was the confirmed girls less Nicole

Emily who was our reserve

The girls were kept up to date with what was going on and Kat asked that if the numbers were low would she be allowed to go as she had something personal that she had put off to cover that morning but she would like to do it.

Come the time to Call to let every one know what flat to come to. 2 guys had turned there phones off from the first call and one guy kept putting it to answer phone

So three guys and 4 girls. You with the maths can work that ratio out.

Once we knew that was all the guys coming. Kat was up saying thanks but I will go. I am not going to force anyone to stay and the ratio would be 1:1

Party got underway. Steve spoke to me and Jo. With only 3 guys turning up we did not have enough money to cover what we had promised the girls for the party let alone the cost of the apartment and said if no one minded he would pay and play. No issues for us.

After 10 min a guy came out after enjoy lily and said he was worried about where he had parked his car. He was told where the station car park was you could see it from the balcony and also the location of a ncp car park both within a 3 min walk of the flat.
So off he went to then call a little later saying he could find no where to park so he wanted his money back as the line up was not as advertised

Jo got the feeling that when Kat left he was gutted and never quite recovered

She explained that there was parking he fucked off

45 min into the party one of the guys we had tried calling texted us to say sorry but he had got cold feet
Bit of a shit really after I had turned away bookings as I thought that party was full
So a ratio of 1:1

The 3pm party

Every one turned up who said they would there had been one cancellation but he had given notice we tried to get another girl to attend but after asking if she would which she said yes and she could be with us in 20 min when we decided to call her her phone was off

Girls there was


About 4.30 she called and explained that her battery had died and did we still need her

To which we said thanks but as the party would finish 20 min after she got to us there was no point

So a ratio of 7:3

So who is to blame when the best laid plans go wrong.
Myself for believing two girl who said they would be there and never never turned up or explained why

Or the clients for cancelling in the end around 50% cancelled or just did not show up

What will I do to make sure some of my mistakes don't happen again

Well for the next party I have arranged for two hostess to be there one who will step in and work if a girl lets us down or there is a full party so to improve the number of girls

One to make sure you safe

Guys who have let us down will now be asked for a deposit.

When guys cancel they are ruining it for everyone

The girls who then get told not to work as there is not enough guys

The guys who while recovering want to watch. The ones who want dp if available or more

So that is the fun week I have had

Role on the next party at the end of the month

Sorry for such a rant
Wednesday, September 16th 2015
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Party is close now

Well the next parties are tomorrow and Thursday. Talk about stressful.

I thought I would take this chance to let you know what has been going on at our end and explain why the line up has had to change so much

Katie and Lola both had a change of heart about doing a party and asked to be removed

Lucy had to cancel coming Wednesday due to getting a job interview at short notice asked to come Thursday then relised that she could not

Then one of the girl who has now confirmed everything is ok started per period a week early

So this is some of the thing I have had to cover. I have not tried to mix lead anyone with who is coming or tried to use one girl knowing that I will not have them

Sorry if anyone has thought that

On the other side it is now midnight Tuesday so 15hr before the first party and I have had the 11th guy in two days cancel

I have promised the girls that there will be no more than 2 guys to each girl at the moment with the guys who were reserves it looks like all the parties will be 7 guys to 4 girls

So I really do hope every one has fun gets into the sprit and relaxes and do t worry about what you could have had enjoy what you do have

The photo is Dior who emailed me and asked if she could come and take part. Thought it better to have someone who wants to be there so I know she will not cancel
Wednesday, September 16th 2015
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Wednesday's parties

Well I thought I best let you know how it all went

Woke up this morning to another 3 cancellations. Emailed Millie asked her if she would mind doing one party to be told that was out of order so she would not be coming

Checked with the other girls Emily confirmed Kat confirmed Jennifer confirmed

Jennifer told me just before 1pm that she was at the station and would be with us around 2pm. Perfect

Had seven clients booked for the first party and five for the second

Looking good

2pm came and went. Kat turned up
2.30pm came and went Emily turned up
No news from Jennifer no replies to my texts emails or calls. So stood up

Quick check on the guys numbers and steady at 7. I asked one who I knew really well if he skipped the 3pm party and stayed for the 7pm one to which he agreed

5 Guys Arrived and the situation was explained giving everyone the chance to leave if they wished with no hard feelings. It was explained the girls were willing to at with five if they wanted

So off they went and everyone had a great time 30 min into it another guy turned up and then decided it was not for him

So there was never more than 5 guys to 2 girls

I was always going to be stood up by Jennifer as she basically lied to me so was always going to be a girl short

The 7pm party started with 2 guys and 2 girls then another guy came and a little while later another guy. So that one was 1 to 1 to start before coming to the 2 to 1 I prefere

There is nothing I could have done about this and feel guilty at the same time

Now for Thursday's party

All the girls have confirmed
And I have Emily on stand by

And Dior has a friend on stand by

I hope this goes a long way to answering any questions and puts minds at rest

Fingers crossed no guys now cancel
Tuesday, August 18th 2015
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Cambridge party in sept
Just thought I would fill you in with how it is going for the September parties.

The two parties on the 16th so far we have

English Katie

Photos and links are in the profile

On the 17th so far we have confirmed

Katie for one party
Emily for two parties to confirm
Georgia waiting to hear how many for

There have been another three girls who have asked about coming as well

Two girls I have been in touch with were unable to make next months party but have put there names forward for the October party. Will give the names once we have confirmed the dates and what days they can play

So it is looking good for September there are only half a dozen places left if you are thinking about coming

Have fun and be safe
Sunday, August 16th 2015
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Five girl party

Can not believe it has been a year from my last blog. But then again I have not been working so no real reason to blog.

Well we have arranged another party for the 29th July

It started of as just three girls
Sexy Independant
English Katie
Julie Ann who came to last years party

And six guys but it has gone mad

There are now two more girls coming

And we have added 2 more spaces for guys

I have now had emails from two other girls asking if they could come to the party so am thinking about it

Maybe 6 girls and eight guys

The apartment we have booked is a very large double bedroom three bathroom flat with a huge lounge so it can take 14 of us

But not sure I will have to think about it

All the girls are English except sexy independent who is Polish

And all are game for a laugh and a good time. So it has the potential to be a very hot sexy steamy affair

I have to go shopping for drinks for it

Loads of water I think

Will let you all know how it goes

The photo is Elle one of the girls attending

Saturday, August 9th 2014
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A three girl party

Myself and two other girls who I have met via threesomes have been thinking about meeting up one evening and doing a party.

I used to do parties a few years ago and really do enjoy and get off on the orgy aspect of them.

We are thinking us three girls and no more than six guys for 2 or 2.5 hours so everyone would get the chance to try out a fantasy or two

Oh and we are all really bi and really get off on playing with other.

What would your thoughts be on something like this

Would it be something that you would want to try

I know it is something that I would want

Multiple cocks, fingers,tongues to play with me

Getting hot thinking about it

Let me know if it is something you think should happen

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