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Saturday, December 20th 2014
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huh...i forgot i had a blog
Oh dear,forgot i had a frickin blog! Epic faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaail!
So merry xmas, hoping santa gives me something big this year,if anyone feels like being santa (baby,lol) i'll show 'em whats in my stockings...

Oh and what bras and panties i'll be selling to my lovely pervs...

This year has been so very mental and i've enjoyed most of it,especially with my clients keeping it lively and continually educational... I couldnt ask for better ways to have such fun!

I have a few lovely new corsets,which are steel-boned snd make me look amazing! Just neef an excuse to wear it...

So in the words or Kirsty Mccoll

Merry Christmas...



Tuesday, August 13th 2013
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getting a little thoughtful
well,once again i know its been a while since my last entey but i'm a terrible blogger! i get busy and just plain forget to blog! sorry guys! so i got asked "whats it like to be a sex-worker?" by one of the very few people in my life who kbow that i do adult-work to which i told her about how i see what i do as closer to a sexual therapist then any sort of seedy "hooker",its a lot more flattering term isnt it? like a psychologist or a masseuse,what us girks provide is insight into desires without judgement and allowing those desires to be explored in a safe friendly environment... i'm very choosy about which jobs i take on,not because of some complicated "moral issue" but more based on my intuintion and my appetite for adventure...is that fair? that i dont take on some of the more vanilla requests in favour of the kinks? probably not but what can i say,if you want me then give me a reason to want to choose you! this is not to say that i stay,completely,away from more conventional bookings because i do tend to go for them occasionally(especialy if sweeteners/tips are offered) as i dont mind a little vanilla...
sorry to get so deep on you,i'm gonna go paint my nails now! ttyl
Sunday, March 17th 2013
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well i left my blog alone for a while,lol that happens a lot actually...
i get busy with stuff and forget to blog!
been working and moving house so now i'm in my new place i can see people at home(yay!),finally found a place that does nice bra's to fit me and i have my corset collection back so i'm happy as can be about that!

my 26th birthday was last week,lol, oh how bad is that? but at least its over for another year...

just gotten over a real bad bout of the flu but i'm back in my studded heels and wicked corset now...found a few toys in my boxes of stuff and i'm feeling more like myself

i'm bored and feeling creative,think i may have to write some erotica or maybe sketches(i have recently become rather talented at drawing pin-ups) or maybe write a zombie story...

anyhoo darlings i'm off to make brunch(homemade Pain Au Chocolat and Bacon Stuffed Croissants)

LadyEvil(aka Zoe)
Friday, October 12th 2012
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feeling blue...
So i'm chilling right now,watching blair witch 2:book of shadows,feeling to eat something but i'm down cos i got all dressed up for a little work and no-show...c'est la vie i guess but i feel rather crappy cos of it, i swear i dispair sometimes of men but what can be done?? Nada but what i already do,make them heel like doggies,use them like ATM's and enjoy the gifts...
Munch-wise i have pop-tarts,cheddar and sour cream ruffles,chocolate and leftover piri-piri chicken...i guess i could bake a lovely devils food cake or some fudge brownies...mmmmmm chocolate...i need a piggy to buy me some decent chocolate

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