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mistress elysium's Blog
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Monday, March 9th 2015
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Been having a great time massaging guys. So glad I joined Adult works . It has given me a chance to show off my two favorite assets . They are awesome and really help the massage go with a flow especially when they show themselves right at the beginning which most of you naughty guys seem to like best . So if you fancy a peak at my lovely awesome boobs drop me a line xx would love to hear from you. just the thing to cheer up a wet and windy day xx so why not email me today . I often have spaces and can accommodate most day times and evenings
Saturday, January 31st 2015
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Getting things moving....
Welcome to my blog!

Never sure what to put on this so I may ramble for a bit.
If you do have any questions you want answering then let me know, but for now let me see what I can come up with.
I am not dead... well at least I am fairly sure I am not just let me check my pulse.... oh yeah there it is so I am still here.
I am currently eating a banana.
And drinking a coffee.
Whilst keeping the cat from destroying the sofa, why is it they always attack when I am busy?

Just pondering a good way to spend a Saturday evening.... any suggestions?

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