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Tuesday, August 7th 2018
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Sissy Updates - MUA Hired
take from my site - email for more info.


For those of you that have been in touch with me over these past few years then you will know the struggle we have had ahead, on and off. The site which was meant to launch much prior to now is finally nearly ready for an official launch.

We finally, have nearly arrived at the final stages, over 2 years of hard work and I am excited to say it is looking good so far. We currently have some live and active pages for you to sign up to and can also view some of the content we have uploaded so far.

Recruiting though will never be over, as we are always looking for creative story writers or some real time experiences would be amazing. Any content written for and used by the site will not be used elsewhere unless get consent (this will be rare as we at SC like to pride ourself on having original material as much as possible). I will of course give more time to anyone who does plus the more you do the more you get :-)

GREAT NEWS: Sissy-Central now have our very own Sissy MUA (Make Up Artist for those unsure of the abbreviation). Alexis, has now joined our team and we welcome her on board. She has trained in Russia as a semi pro make up artist and now has blessed us with her skills. She will be available to Sissy-Central exclusively. Please see below for some examples of her work. We will be offering Make overs at different levels as well as photo shoots. We also will be arranging Sissy-Central Fashion shows where sissies can participate for small fee, where they can have a make over and catwalk with a few different outfits as well as have some photos to take home. The fashion show will be watched my mistresses, females and other sissies alike (of course males always have to pay to attend any of my events even if small fee and ALL woman are free, standard procedure in my world).

Anyway, stats…..we seem to be getting great stats. Today alone we had over 400+ new viewers a day and over 3000+ hits which is fantastic (see below image). I am very happy with the stats so far, keep up the good work viewers. However, we are not seeing nowhere near as many sign up which is what we want to create a busy feel for when we launch.

Features like the forum, chatroom, marketplace will also be launched when we go live. We will also be introducing new and bigger features in the near future such as webcams, phone lines, text lines even virtual reality (VR) is something that we have been speaking about so maybe we could do VR stories or changing rooms where can have a make over, wardrobe change etc. its limitless what we can do with that technology.

This is a very exciting time for me as have many things happening but this is the oldest planned project that I and my team had and it is all finally coming together.

The OFFICIAL LAUNCH DATE we have now is 20th AUGUST 2018 anyone signing up from that day for the next few days or maybe week or so, no decided yet - will get automatically entered into our launch competition, which will have some amazing prizes.

So please if you can't do anything to help either your haven't the time or creative brain to do so then no problems, but please, please, please one of the few times you will hear me, being a mistress say that P word as not usually in my nature as I am used to people, namely males doing things for me without the niceties or even me having to ask - its just the way it always has been sign up to Sissy-Central and Expose-A-Sissy.

The tube sites that have been mentioned in my previous blog on my sitw will also be added to the site so will be available there, the links are as follows:

Please also note that some of the links or tabs may not work this is due to the sites still being worked on. So just bear with it. If you do sign up please let me know of any issues that may arise on singing up. If it states you need to confirm sign up via email sent to your inbox and you haven't got this please check your junk messages if not then just try login again you may find that it works, we are trying to get rid of the email verification process as it can become problematic and cause other issues we have found.

Anyway please let me know if you have any issues but also please, please (that P word again grrrr).. sign up to my site if you can even if you can only log in now and then, only people who have signed up with get updates, notifications and entered into any free competitions we have.

With Love & Hate…

Tuesday, August 7th 2018
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Update on projects to come...
Hi there people,

Yesterday was such a good day for me. I finally went to my new premises to see the area space I had to use and what needs to be done, for dungeon and studio to come. I haven’t been deep inside the property for so many years so good to see what needs to be done.

The property itself is family property and it actually has been in the family longer than I have. It has been a second-hand brick-a-brak shop for many, many years now and needs a lot of work to be done. I remember going in there as a child and how it has looked over the years. It will be such a contrast to how it was.

The property is in the process of being gutted out so it will be a blank canvas for me to start with (well I need to get it to a nice clean blank canvas first). There is a few structural works to do before can do this but won’t take long. Got some quotes happening tomorrow so hopefully will come in on or ideally under budget.

Once the place has been gutted and minor structural work done, I will be recruiting any handy men or tradesmen or should I say handy subs or tradeslaves Haha... that sounds better and more up my street. It doesn’t feel right to hand a male money over for services provided. I believe males should work for women for free or at least for other services or negotiated price, reduced of course. Any male lucky enough to serve a superior female or any female really, should be so thankful and happy that they was given this chance AND chosen to do the tasks asked of them.

My other projects which are Sissy-Central and also Expose-A-Sissy are underway also. For those that have been serving or just communicating with me over the last few months and years will know how much time and effort has gone in to these projects by myself and my busy business partner, who is amazing. Finally, the light can be seen at the end of the tunnel. Many times we both nearly gave up on the projects but persisting and struggling through any issues we have had, finally we are nearly there. We are still looking for reliable and trust worthy test users for these sites before we officially launch, which will be soon. However people can sign up on both these sites. If you do and run into any issues let us know, you then become a test user - simple lol.....

We also have a tube site, hypno site and Sissy reference site coming up too so stayed tuned.

The studio/dungeon will tie in nicely with all the other sites too as will be offering make overs from professionals at location as well as Sissy nights and other Fetish themed days/nights.

The studio will be available to hire but only through me direct. It will NOT be advertised to the public or randoms. I rather quality over quantity thank you.

I always welcome feedback whether positive or negative but in a constructive way only.

Really do hope you like my small posts and will be uploading some new photos soon too.

So, on that note... as I usually say... with love and hate..

Tuesday, August 7th 2018
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Too Hot To Handle....
Hey there people...

All I can say is WOW this heat is pretty nuts, I am based in London and we are not used to such long periods of heat, without rain. It drizzled a little yesterday but the smallest amount. It needed it anyway.

I had a realtime session yesterday evening, with a local sub but he was sweating up in the collar and hogties. We actually ended the session earlier as he clearly couldn't handle it, the heat got to him a bit also :-) We had a bit of servitude and a little BDSM/Pain but he couldnt really take the heat plus he didnt want any marks whatsoever as had a suspcious wife that may inspect him when home, so left it like that and just had some short fun, but the little fucker got out of doing my dishes as that was next on the agenda for him to do.

Earlier today, I had a very rewarding ATM/Cashpoint meet - this is what I call findom (not money for femdom as that is totally different as a service is provided over some time)... This paypig was as good as they get simply wanting a quick meet, maximum withdrawal and then he walked away with a smile on his face - no doubt with a tingling in his pants also. He didnt want a slap, spit in face or any type of recording or pictures taken (ok maybe he wasnt the perfect paypig as the ones that don't mind - are, as like to have as much as I can caught on cam, but understand a subs/pigs need for privacy as they must do mine).

I am getting really excited about my next project, which is my dungeon in South East London (if want to know specific location please contact me direct as on a need-to-know basis only at present). The dungeon will be located in the basement part of the building which gives it that authentic dungeon feel, with exposed brick work, cages and many other bits of equipment that will be available to use.

Upstairs, will be a clinical looking area for hire.. The place can be used for events, studio/photgraphy, make overs and of course webcamming, as will have a computer station with webcam and internet access set up. This is where I will be holding the up coming London #FSSG meeting's on behalf of FemocracyGlobal.

I will also be holding other events there too (see my twitter for recent poll about what type of events the majority would like to see happen more often there).

The dungeon itself will be available to ALL the ladies in the FSSG movement at a very reduced rate but other than that it will be a private booking system, allowing only those I personally know to use it. I will of course be holding all my future sessions there apart for those special few who I will let come worship me in my home and serve me amongst my personal not professional surrroundings. It is not and will not be open for any public or randoms too book.

I am hoping the dungeon will be open after the summer here in London - as we will need a good 2 months or so to renovate it. I will be getting the keys handed to me anyway day now, exciting times.

Once again I am asking any subs who generally are hard working (labour) and/or have a trade that can be used in my new project then do get in touch as we can arrange something in return for one another's services.

This was just a quick note, as said I was going to try do more of them in future.

Don't be shy folks, come and say hi... show your support or just have a browse at my site - I hope you enjoy it.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

With Love & Hate lol....

Monday, April 9th 2018
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Female Power..... has never been stronger than now
After a 4way webcam session…….a trio of dommes and a sub (domme ménage à trois I like to call it, see photo below this post)….. I had this session today with a regular sub of mine, and some beautiful ladies who I am fortunate enough to call my friends and who are also experienced pro-dommes…. I was inspired by our skype session for this post… read on…….

Female Power…. has never, ever been more stronger……. Female Supremacy… Women that work together are more happier and I would say better off in more ways than just in their pocket.

I agree that females should do whatever they desire to earn money, whether that be graft in a hot office all day long with sweaty people around them, whether it be wait on them hand and foot as a waitress, or clean some old asses as a carer. Or maybe they like to have fun, be wined and dined and get lucky at the end of the night, whatever it may be I would NEVER judge. The only time I would judge would be if peoples lives were at risk, it was illegal (well give or take a few things) or morally just wrong. I agree that females have much more power than males, its about time that more start to embrace this and not ignore it.

A female can go to a bar flutter their eyelashes and be approached to buy a drink. I have seen some males that have the longest lashes (how unfair) and yet no matter how hard they may try flutter them no woman would offer to buy them a drink. Well I say no woman but I am sure there would be, out there somewhere that would. However, there wouldn’t be an amount of females queuing up like there would be if it was the other way round.

I believe females should use their gender and NOT bodies as such to get what they want, need, desire and dream of in life. But that doesn’t mean they can’t send a cheeky picture for some papers (cash) of course but it means no offering your body up to a male for sexual services or naked pics. But I also say if you like to go out and about, get laid often and enjoy sleeping with randoms then maybe it is more suited to you, but not for me or many others.

My monthly meetings in Camden (part of femocracyglobal) are all about meeting and empowering women, helping them evolve in a new role in life where they ARE in control of every aspect.

I often meet women who say they couldn’t do what I do, they don’t have the confidence etc… but I just reply in saying that no matter how little confidence you have it WILL grow doing this job, with experience and time empowering you more than you have ever dreamed of. It’s such a good way to feel needed, wanted, adored even and to make you realise your true potential, something which not many vanilla people may get in their lifetime. Once I explain and enlighten them, some of whom actually now domme now full time, they thank me as have grown in confidence and of course bank balance, what more could you ask for? Those that do, do sexual things for money may not get the same feeling and gratification as a dominatrix who had fun at their subs expense, got their house cleaned, told how great they are also got to take their anger out on and made the rules up suited to them oh and did I mention getting paid nicely ££££££.

The subs/slaves/ betas etc that attend my meetings, have the excitement of being in the presence of a few novice, inexperienced, semi-pro and pro domme’s company which wouldn’t usually happen. To serve us drink, to answer questions when asked and to ask us questions if and when allowed, whatever the ladies want the ladies get. This is good a way to mingle and meet with like minded people whatever level you are at.

Growing up in London and in this world I have seen too many women hate on other women, I could never hate another woman, but only praise them for being just themselves. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t mean that I am at peace, love and harmony with every domme or female out there, don’t be disillusioned. I have a wrath too and any woman who disrespects me in more than one way will feel it. I do believe in female supremacy and try my hardest to work with all women but some just really cannot be worked with, therefore I leave them too it, but dare try mess with a domme and you do feel their wrath that’s a known fact, I have minions that do my work, never get my hands dirty.

Anyway, this was meant to be just a quick post to comment on how females work better together as a team and have way more fun.

Lots of love and hate (depending on who is reading this)

Xena xxx
Monday, April 9th 2018
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Female Supremacy Support Group in London, Camden
Hey all….

Please read for more info in regards to my next Female Supremacy support group in April 2018.

Have missed having meeting in March as very busy month for me and needed to get back in sync with the other countries who have them so works out 3rd Sat of each month.
Have copied pictures of our first ever event back in August, Jan and the last one in Feb.

see my website for more info about meeting

FSSG says – “We are a Worldwide Sisterhood pushing toward social & political change in favour of Female Leadership”

Cost: £50

Dress code: whatever you desire as we have a private location


‘A group to discuss all things relating to female supremacy/femocracy/femdom’

Get to serve some amazing Mistresses although it is not a full session you can get to interact & serve mistresses who attend if they desire.

“These Groups are taking place in cities all around the world in unison, on the 3rd Saturday/Sunday of every month”

Arrive on time for main event but time/date varies various cities.. of course subs can attend a little earlier to serve us ladies….

You may also attend in Los Angeles, NYC, Washington DC, Chicago, Atlanta, Raleigh, Calgary Canada, St-Petersburg Russia, Berlin Germany & Istanbul Turkey and are looking for more Women to start Groups in other areas.

They are private & anonymous Female Supremacy networking & planning committees for Superior Women & subordinate men, where Women are in charge & men silently observe, obey, serve & protect.

“They are free for All women to attend & the cost for men varies for each venue”

‘Contact Me, Mistress Xena, to attend or if you are a woman who would like to start a Group in her own city at
Monday, April 9th 2018
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Another day.. another $ (well £ in my country)
Well what a busy day for me it has been, no complaints there though. I like to keep busy.

You subs are serious like buses. I get a steady flow of the ones that are OK then many come at once that I LOVE. I always make time for new subs and slaves as love to recruit new victims who are ready to learn to submit MY way.

I have done a few cam sessions today as well as a double domme session. Gosh a domme’s work is never done, so many men ahmm did I say men sorry I mean boys to discipline, so many losers to degrade and humiliate, so many paypigs to rinse and pain sluts to beat. In time I will of course go into more detail about some of the unusual requests that I get, of course not mentioning any names but I am sure if you have had a session with me and I mention that particular fetish then you can get off in the fact that I AM talking about YOU. However I say unusual but in this day and age with the internet etc. I say in my old woman’s voice “It wasn’t like this many years back when I first started” I can assure you).

I had a guy who loved ABDL today, dressing my teddy up in a diaper for him to imagine was him, ahhhh good baby boy mummy loves you, coochy coochy cooooo. I had my regular Scottish gay sub wanting me to get him some cock online, I just tweet about his slutty self with his personal info, have had a few exposure/consensual blackmail sessions, which are becoming one of the top three fetishes I see. I also had a real fun skype text only session (this is usually when they wanna some cheeky fun at work or when the wife is in the other room) with a sissy, we was doing a role play audition for porn star and her debut film, it was fun she was such a naughty girl it was out first session but looking forward to camming with her again soon. Even my BBC hubby had a part to play. Def a scenario I will use in the future. I also have a finsub who wanted to be rinsed for all he has got but get this.. no banking, no paypal, no circle pay only Amazon Gift-cards which I suppose is better than nothing (please note only ever take Amazon.co.uk never Amazon.com shipping’s far too much for any one item) but yes, I wouldn’t call him a finsub if haven even got a way to send hard his earned cash, as it turns me on more than gift-cards, I love the smell of money even if it is sent electronically, when I draw it out I smell it and get tingles all over. Anyway I do take GC’s if its the only way BUT IT just encourages me to do what I like to do most and do best SPEND someone else cash too, as always feels much better.

I also had a foot sub wanting me to dom him and his sub girlfriend, always love domming a couple as it is quite rare but have had a few, some want BBC alpha some want just me. Either way I always have fun as usually have more fun with a female sub than a male sub, I tolerate females more.

Oh and one my my favorite slaves who I have yet to meet as so shy but will be very soon when he comes to serve in person, paid my phone bill – happy days.

Anyway that was just a little taste of my day. Fell free to tell me how yours went here in the comments or via direct message.

Hope you have had as a productive day as me today whatever it is you have done.

With love & hate


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