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Saturday, September 30th 2023
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you boys
You know what you boys can be a right royal pain in the butt and then you surprise me in such a good way.

There is me minding me own bees wax and I end up have quite a good couple of chats, which was lovely and made a nice change so thanks for that.

However there are always flies in the ointment now aint there lol and I have ranted about that before so will try and give it a rest lol.

So am on my holibobs now and ya know what you lot have let me down with no good ideas about what I can do with my time off :(

Tuesday, September 26th 2023
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what to do
So I have a lil bit of time off from my rl job

So what to do, do any of your guys have an idea what I can do hehe?

Answers via email would be good lol.

I would like to pop to the cinema and go to see a couple of movies any good suggestions?

And a nice Indian or Chinese meal would be great has been a long time since I have had one of those hehe.

Or could go for a nice walk along the beach as that aint too far from me.

Well that is all for now boys.

Enjoy ya Tuesday and try not to work to hard hehe.

Monday, September 25th 2023
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well well
Aint it always the way.

Things happen and things get away from you.

Wish things get better soon for me as life is getting abit hard at the mo but then whos life aint hard at the mo lol.

I do wish that you boys look at stuff and then act accordingly rather than think oh yeah I can just do what i want and think that I will just go okies, which lets be honest aint never gonna happen lol.

I really wanna help out with your fantasies but you gotta help me out with what you want and I do wish you boys would read just this once would be great lol.

Anyway speak to lovely lot soon.


Monday, July 10th 2023
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Things that upset
Well Hello again boys

And boys you seem to be lol.

Again I have another person just make an app without contacting me to see if what they want is something I will do. Not cool that and when I email them to say it has been cancelled as nothing has been sent to me I get 'oh I am new and sorry'.

That in my book is not an excuse and never will be reasons being:

You have not read when am available and think I will drop everything just for you

You have not read my profile properly

You have not emailed to let me know what you want

I get that you have itches that need to be scratched boys, however there is no need for bad manners and not reading and doing what is expected of you.

Thanks for reading my rant boys

Sunday, June 4th 2023
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Well hello again
So things have quietened down which is brill now aint it:)

Some of you boys dont read bless ya!

Which to be really honest sucks big time. Now I get it ya here for a good time and dont want to read much and think that if ya all say hi we wont ask questions. Well gonna have to burst ya bubble there fellas, read the profile that way you wont be disappointed and can move on to a more suitable person for your needs.

I have limited time for my playtime and really and I mean really do not have the inclination to play email ping pong with ppl that do not read profiles. If you cant be bother to let me know what you wish to have done to you then to be honest fellas I will not reply and just delete you message. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

There are limited times that I will be available and this is a test run if you wish to book do the accepted.

Thursday, April 27th 2023
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Well that was an interesting 2 months.

So unfortunately real life is a bitch it would seem and doing a good deed meant that I was not available to punish you lovely lot:(

So this good deed is now over and woop I can now update bits and pieces and start seeing you needy boys.

In the next couple of days there will be update and replies to those that have missed me so just be patient.

Here is to hoping that real life does not get involved again or else I many have to just say no.

Though real life did like one of my toys but wanted to see more which would not have been the best thing to do so I refused and bless them they were so disappointed ah well such is huh :)

Friday, February 10th 2023
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Silly question silly answer
Well it finally happened!!!

I have just woken and managed to make my first cuppa of the day and check my phone, as you do first thing in the morning lol.

So after I have have replied back to a friend, my phone goes again and me thinking it is my friend I have a look.

Oh no it is not my friend however is someone that decided that he will bypass AW and send me a whatsapp message instead, which am suspicious of straight away.
No introduction just straight to the point offering money and asking for me me to come to him.
I ask where is here and what he wants.
It is overseas, which would have been nice had it been a lovely hot place lol, and was for companionship and fun.
Fun means sex and not what I offer at all so I politely say no which is pretty good for me as was first thing in the morning and I really am not a morning person lol.
He asks why not and then asks not for any amount so this where I great idea ask a silly question then you will get a silly question.
So I asked for an outrageous amount and I mean really outrageous amount and he said he could cover it to which I just laughed and said yeah right and then proceeded to block him.

The Goddess loves a trier as do I but lets remember that if you ask me a silly question you will get a outrageous answer and then I will have a giggle at your expense as I know that you will not be able to prove that you can deal with my request.

Friday, February 3rd 2023
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Birthday week
Here is the chance for you to really spoil me.

Surprise me I dare you!! But you lil sausage wont as you dont seem to have the imagination!!

Just dont be a cocktail sausage and try and book me on the day that I am not available, however I know that you lot have a tendency to not think about others and just yaself. If ya gonna do that expect a very nasty reply, just as one person found out that I am not that nice when am mad.

Treat me and yaself with respect and we will have a great time, dont and expect the nasty side to come out.

I have been in contact with some of those that contacted me last year when things was still in the air and most have been good which has been brill. However there are always one or 2 that cant read or just follow directions ah well their loss certainly not mine.

Thursday, January 26th 2023
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one way to make me angry
Now I get it you wants lots of things to be done to you.

Got it fantasist I like variety just like you.

Thing is and this really gets me mad I mean to the point that I am shouting at the computer as I have to reply as I cant flipping shout and hit you, 30 mins is NEVER going to be enough time for 4 things to be done well and for you to enjoy.

If you wish to have lots done then you need to give ME and yourself the time to be able to get things done.

If you do not then your wishes will not come true and you will be disappointed and not fulfilled in your dreams.

Seriously I really dont get the cheekiness and cheapness of boys that want the world but are not prepared to give the correct time for said wishes.

Respect me and my work and yourself.

Saturday, January 21st 2023
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First week back
Well it has been fun well kinda:)

Some not reading my profile which I hate, surely if you are emailing/SMSing me then you have read my profile, but nope silly silly boys.

Some not even letting me know what they what, why would you do that. I can not let you know if I can help with your fun if you dont let me know what kinda fun you want now can I.

Some demanding stuff that I have never offered and never will lol and for those lil boys I will be responding with a silly answer and if after that you feel you want to offer an insult or 2 then go for ya life cos I have heard them all before and just remember lil boys your toy will not be played with ever lol.

Then we have some that dont look at my availability and try to get a booking for time that am not available!!!!!

So what I would love to see from you boys is that you have read my profile, let me know what you would like and times that are suitable for everyone.

Friday, January 13th 2023
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Hello again
Well after that time we would all like to forget I am back and wanting all those naughty boys to be punished :).

I have updated bits and pieces as there have been changes in what I will and will not offer.

I have decided that I like being on my own as it gives me more choice to do what I want without offending others.

I will be changing my attitude as per my updated profile, so expect a more strict and punishing Mistress :).

There have been lots of changes for all of us, some good some bad but lets not let them get us down.

Just thought would put this on my blog and once I get a little bit more time will update you greedy lot more.


Monday, January 14th 2019
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Howdy again boys
Well I have been quiet due to lots of things happening in My life.

Things didn't go as planned earlier last year and things are still not good for me health wise.

Firstly must say thanks to the guys that have come and seen Me for your lil secrets and one chap that has a filthy one hehe.

To those that wanna visit come and play I want to stretch your boundary's and expand your minds.

As for my health well that went from being scared to being relived in the space of 3 weeks which was not a good head space. Though family and friends have been great it was ass puckering time and am still sorting things in my head but getting there which is brill. However having said that would seem that will have to have surgery again but hopefully this will be the last time for a long time. No timescale as to when this will be but just means no heavy lifting or strange positions for me for abit of time. It also means that am in pain all the time which is not so great.

Due to the pain this means that have had to cut back on My hours which is not great. But this does means that will be online and cam/chat more til am better. Having said that My arms are in great shape so my floggers can be used with no harm to ME hehe.

Blessing MP
Sunday, August 5th 2018
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Dont you just
Hate it when you have been playing with the settings and setting yourself up with phone chat and this screws with all your other settings.

So you think you have sorted out everything and then find that no you have not and have to end a session cos you are a plank.

So you get yourself now all sorted and hope to goodness that there is nothing else that can go wrong lol.

Love it when you finally get things going your way and finally things are falling into place for you.

So this is how my sunday had gone and is not half an hour old lol.

Blessing MP
Wednesday, August 1st 2018
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Well back to Monday for abit methinks lol.

Though it started off badly it did get better as the day went on. I eventually got my hands on the most divine ass and boy did it get a nice work out hehe.

Tues was busy for me as had so much to fit in and just had to take a little nap lol. You know the kinda day that is just you on your feet all day and going from one place to another without a break. However wasn't too tired to see a lovely gent who loved my little pink vibe that I got him to the edge so many time and then backed off and judging from the noises he made he loved it.

Today didn't start as planned either which is a shame, however did get asked to escort a gent for a few days next month will have to see if that comes off.

Blessing MP

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