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Friday, April 26th 2024
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The best accent
Travelling most of the length and breadth of the UK i come across some of the best accents around. An accent can be regional or in some cases just in the boundaries of a city.
Some accents sound quite harsh others are really sweet and sexy, their are a few that you really cannot understand.
Some of the British accents stem from Celtic roots and others from French or Norse history.
Some areas I have experienced have their own dialect that is completely different rom English, examples are Welsh, Manx, Gaelic and Cornish.

So what are your favourite local accents , here are my top five .

1) Geordie- Spoke around Tyneside this accent even differs from one side of the Tyne to the other , within a couple of miles it becomes softer as you had to South Tyneside and Sunderland.
2) Glaswegian- Spoke around the city of Glasgow, at times it sounds like double dutch,always warm and kind.
3) West country- from the South Midlands down to Cornwall this accent is just so reminiscent of farmers , sounds quite funny and a bit like a drunken sailor,
4)Birmingham- The Brummy accent is really sweet and said to be the most trust worthy of accents.
5) London- The cocokney accent is hilarious, traditional and full of rhyming slang and I love it.
Thursday, January 25th 2024
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Favourite rivers
Rivers, streams, brooks no matter how you describe them everyone likes the sound of running water, and no mention of water sports although that is a different subject of which I am a great fan.
Today I was driving home from Nottingham and passed over the Trent and thought what river is my favourite in the UK.
So many different rivers to discuss , beautiful estuaries, rocky waterfall filled mountain rivers, wide open meandering sheets of water that connect great towns and cities, just so many.
However their is one kind of river that I really think is beyond beauty, I am not going to name the river but describe what type it is.
Chalk rivers primarily in the South of England are my favourite type of river.
The crystal clear nutrient laden water is a place I can stare for hours on end , the reeds gently moving with the flow of the water and the tiny fish darting from one side to another.
The insects with their colours and sounds not found anywhere else in the UK.

The beds of the rivers are generally composed of clean, compacted gravel and flints, which are good spawning areas for Salmonidae fish species. Since they are fed primarily by aquifers, the flow rate, mineral content and temperature range of chalk streams exhibit less seasonal variation than other rivers. They are mildly alkaline and contain high levels of nitrate, phosphate, potassium and silicate. In addition to algae and diatoms, the streams provide a suitable habitat for macrophytes (including water crowfoot) and oxygen levels are generally supportive of coarse fish populations.
Sunday, October 1st 2023
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My favourite season
Seasons hay they make you laugh, make you cry, some you look forward and some you absolutely dislike.

My favourite time of your are the two transitional times from summer to Autumn and winter to spring.
This time of year is wonderful for a number of reasons
When I am in bed and I mean asleep hehe early Autumn is just magical as the days are still quite warm with a fair bit of light but the nights fairly cool . I tend to sleep really well in a cool room, I find hot summer nights exhausting with the night time heat i just cannot sleep although other subjects could be on the table instead of sleeping in bed?
Early Autumn you also have a chance to see the Northern lights , possibly when I tour in Newcastle or Glasgow , fingers crossed.
Running is also excellent in Autumn as in summer I seem to be as heavy as a log in my legs yet in Autumn it seems someone has put a fire cracker up my backside , I just move with the wind so much energy for everything and I mean everything.
One shall not mention the C word yet that will come on my next blog.

Saturday, July 8th 2023
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M6 to M74 highway to heaven
I recently ventured North of the border that place that is at the end of the M6 and it suddenly without any notice turns into the M74. You pass a beautiful blue sign saying welcome to Scotland and that it is nothing seems to change, or does it?

When I stopped for a quick break I realised hay I am in the land of the Gaelic people, purchasing my tasty smoked salmon and cream cheese sandwich from a well known upmarket food chain the gent on the till politely said and I quote 'och I that will fill the gap, loved it he och I bit and the accent and yes the gap shall be filled.

I travelled on towards my tour of Glasgow for the first time and marvelled at the concrete motorway which way do i travel, M74 M73 M8 yikes , good god this place is a maze, luckily the kind gent on the sat navigation assisted my dilemma and before to long I marvelled at the city landscape, shiny new buildings , the wonderful Clyde estuary, a brilliant underground system , fabulous.

I stayed at what I can only describe as a typical Scottish apartment . you only find these buildings in Scotland they look like houses but are four storeys high.
quite strange but cosy and comfortable. Needless to say I had a brilliant tour to this amazing city, Partick was a really nice area , Byres road really interesting, above more then anything else it is a the people who make this city. Warm , humoured, aware of one another and a sense of belonging, I admire Them and there city.
The bonus was a short visit to Gairlochead one evening and a run on the West Highland way, och i dunno I shall return.
Saturday, April 15th 2023
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Most beautiful love scene on screen
Their are so many beautiful love scenes on the big screen, some that make you laugh, others make you cry instantaneously and some just dam right silly.
The one scene that stirs my emotions time after time is the love scene in the rain form the movie Castaway.
This movie in my estimation is one of Hollywood's greatest triumph for many reasons.
The fact the majority of the movie is based around one character and that one character keeps us entertained for much of the running time is quite incredible.
After spending eight years on a desert island the main character played by the incredible Tom Hanks is rescued and brought back to civilisation
All through this time he continued to believe that the love of his life would be there waiting for him.
The scene is incredibly emotional it conjurers up many feelings about the past and present . The fact that the lady in the movie named Kelly has remarried she still has deep feelings with the 'past love of her life' ,for me this is very emotional and is close to my own heart.
Can a person have love in their life then decide that they must move on as love is just not enough to sustain a relationship. I can never decide if this is possible , do we have to love one person at a time, or is it possible to have intense emotion for others at the same time.
The human spirit is strange and undeniably complicated.
Monday, February 13th 2023
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The great ridge
Over the weekend I decided to return to an area I really enjoy training as the Ilkley moor fell race I have entered is coming up soon.
The peak district is an area I have fond memories of , for running it is perfect, soft turf, great views and quick to travel to, I parked up at the honey pot village of Castleton always a great place with its nooks and crannies.
I was heading for a run up to Hollins cross, and along the ridge to lose hill returning via the lower slopes a short run of 5.5 miles and 380 metres of ascent.
The views are great , navigation really easy the only difficulties I encountered was dodging the crowds, It was mid Feb not even a bank holiday , the ridge was heaving, good to see so many people getting out, some may find this off putting, do you?
I am a fairly quiet runner so every now and then someone in front would suddenly leap out the way so I could keep my pace it does make me laugh when people jump out of their skin as I whizz past.
I think the great ridge is a fabulous place, but next time it will be in spring an early morning run as I want the place to myself.
Wednesday, January 4th 2023
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Should James be gone?
You all know I am a total and utter petrol head, I have a special and long time love of the Jaguar car maker. From the XJ'S of the seventies to the beautiful XK50. My predicament is as follows:

My current XE is the most beautiful car to look at , it is pure theatre every time I take it for a drive, handles like Maradona and moves as slick as Messi, we shall leave out Ronaldo for now he is in my bad books.
However little old James is unreliable, my heart pounds and bangs even writing this blog. Should he go or should he stay as the clash sang.
Now do not laugh I am considering a Skoda Karoq, is she mad I hear you scream, well it is in fact I really nice reliable car, a Volvo s90 is also in the running must be the sexy Swede in me, am i jumping the gun to quick to get rid of James and have an East European for motoring company, I really do not know HELP.
Do not fret I do have an F type as well that I share ownership so I will always stroke my Jaguar and feed it dreamies.
Monday, November 28th 2022
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Slower as we get older
The day after my latest outing on the fells I contemplated why time was two minutes slower then three years ago when I last competed in the Darwen more fell race in Lancs.
The general consensus is the you slow down by around one percent each year I guess that would mean a top thirty year old athlete would be twenty percent slower in their fifties , really.

My personal experience is that I am of course slower then in my twenties however competing in two regular races I have smashed my previous times some years before so what is behind staying fit as we get a little older.

My stance is to weight train and not just run every day. Mix and match your training so utilising all the muscles and not just cardio.
Their are some athletes who are an exception to the rule, in the skin they look really ancient and well passed it however when I pant through the finish line they are all packing up having finished well in front of me.

On reading more into this situation I revealed that these athletes were once International competitors and have that sixth sense that enables them to compete really well into their senior years, me I am just county standard.

I hope one day to win in my age category , We shall see, meantime my county standard is travelling form Yorkshire to Lancashire , Cheshire and beyond visiting you lovely gents.
Monday, September 19th 2022
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Moment in time
What a moment in time, the removal of the crown, orb and sceptre from the late Queens coffin, totally mesmerising and the final act that we have lost our dear Queen, how very very sad. RIP

I am not a huge royalist but also not a republican, I just hope the royal family will live her legacy of truth, dedication acceptance.

If i could l take anything from today is just what a huge figure head she was one of the biggest world figures in modern history, possibly the most loved all around the world.
Looking forward to the reign of King Charles may he live a long and healthy reign.
Tuesday, July 26th 2022
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Funny old place names
This week I am in the lovely old town of Shrewsbury or is that Shrewsbury with the pronunciation 'O'.

The towns that always come to mind were the pronunciation is a bit strange are the following.
Chiswick, why is their a silent 'W' in the name what is the point can anyone shed light.
Worcester. What is the point in having two silent letters in this name just complicates matters, probably the Romans
Lincoln. silent 'L'.

I guess their must be lots of others let me know please , I am fascinated by place names and the reasons behind them.

So back to Shrewsbury, after running along the river seven then up and down the beautiful narrow streets I noticed a market hall, just love a market I really do.
I intend to check out this beautiful market and as it happens been told a famous baker sells Fruit Shrewsbury biscuits. They are round biscuits shaped at the edges with raisins, will it be any contest for my absolute favourite 'The Eccles cake, we shall find out in the next day or two.
Saturday, May 28th 2022
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The most intriguing Monarch
I am not sure why that I find the royal family history so interesting. Reading through my various publications that seem to be gathering dust here are my top three monarchs of times gone by although a dozen or so all come very close.

Henry V111 1509- 1547
Good old Henry must take the biscuit as being the most unfaithful monarchs to rule over this country. All in all the Tudors were a very randy lot, always having parties, changing their sexual parties and having lush dinners of chicken, game and plenty of wine. We think of divorce as being an awful modern day event but just think back in the day all the men would do to get rid of their redundant wives is to hang them at dawn, probably by todays standards a cheaper alternative but very brutal.

Elizabeth 1 1558 - 1603
Now here is a woman close to my heart her most famous saying " I may have a body of a feeble woman but a heart as strong as a man". I always wondered why her make up was always so band looking like a white Lakeland sheep. After reading her history I learned that she had an attack of scabies that left her face badly scarred hence the white make up and quite frightening demeaner.
She had a turbulent relationship with Mary queen of Scots I in fact think Mary would have made the better Queen but her fate yet again was at the gallows.

George V 1911- 19 36
George V (George Frederick Ernest Albert; was King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of India, from 6 May 1910 until his death in 1936.

Born during the reign of his grandmother Queen Victoria, George was the second son of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, and was third in the line of succession to the British throne behind his father and elder brother, Prince Albert Victor. From 1877 to 1892, George served in the Royal Navy, until the unexpected death of his elder brother in early 1892 put him directly in line for the throne. On Victoria's death in 1901, George's father ascended the throne as Edward VII, and George was created Prince of Wales. He became king-emperor on his father's death in 1910.

George's reign saw the rise of socialism, communism, fascism, Irish republicanism, and the Indian independence movement, all of which radically changed the political landscape of the British Empire. The Parliament Act 1911 established the supremacy of the elected British House of Commons over the unelected House of Lords. As a result of the First World War (1914–1918), the empires of his first cousins Nicholas II of Russia and Wilhelm II of Germany fell, while the British Empire expanded to its greatest effective extent. In 1917, he became the first monarch of the House of Windsor, which he renamed from the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha as a result of anti-German public sentiment. In 1924, George appointed the first Labour ministry and the 1931 Statute of Westminster recognised the Empire's dominions as separate, independent states within the British Commonwealth of Nations.

He suffered from smoking-related health problems throughout much of his later reign, and at his death was succeeded by his eldest son, Edward VIII.

Friday, March 4th 2022
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I am now a pescatarian
I hear you shout out loud,' what is she going on about' well let me indulge you further. For years I have regularly trained, watch how much i eat, sleep a regular pattern and have of course plenty of hot steamy physical encounters. The only aspect of my lifestyle I have never considered is what exactly i eat and what i could do without in order to stay healthy and look as good as possible both in my eyes and to others, yes a bit vain I guess.
The other aspect of my food is the way I have recently felt about animal welfare in particular the site of animals being carted about in those trucks on their last journey to slaughter something I have felt uncomfortable with for sometime.
I understand from my eating habits that making meat the main aspect of our food is not required and not always the most healthy choice in terms of saturated fat and overall calories so what is the solution?
Pescatarians' believe in a healthy whole diet without making meat the main source or calorie intake so this is what I have decided to undertake. I have not cut out meat totally just trying to eat good quality meat products once or maybe twice a week, other meals are pure vegetarian this way my calorie intake is reduced and hopefully over time the amount of saturated fat reduced.
Up until now I have been able to bypass the bacon and sausage when staying away I even have a fridge full of vegie products and to my amazement found out that two soya burgers have as much protein as a steak but without the saturated fat and the guilt of animal welfare , so their you have it Sarakate the pescatarian, the gym bunny and now a veggie, might turn into a cauliflower one day :).
Thursday, February 3rd 2022
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The Ab pack
As one trains as often as I do the ultimate aim is to feel at ease with satisfaction that you have worked hard enough in order to look in the mirror and think 'yes bikini' well the ladies at least. The information on how to get that six pack, four back or in my case a two pack is mind boggling. I have studied the physiology of training the abs for years and come to the conclusion that if it happens it will happen.
I have a varied number of ab exercises in my repertoire ranging from the straight forward such as planks, and bicycle crunches to quite complicated moves such as Turkish get up's and wheel stretch exercises I even dangle myself and push leg tucks on the monkey bars of my local playground.
So my conclusion and this is just my take training to have a cut ab section is 30% and food 70%. Those of you who have met me know I have a reasonably fat mid section with a few minor cut lines on my obliques I dearly want a six pack but it just is not happening.
I make sure my micro nutrients' are at the right levels for example the important vitamins and minerals I have even resorted to being vegetarian 80% of the time to reduce my saturated fat. Any advise from anyone what more can I do?
Sunday, December 26th 2021
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Christmas or new year
So what do you prefer Christmas celebrations or new year. I must say this year I really enjoyed the lead up or for some people the frenzy leading towards the big day. I really enjoy giving gifts and in some cases receiving, in fact with some people I receive rather a big gift. Returning to the question in hand Christmas or new year.
Over the years and for many reasons I get very emotional about new years, not so much because I have tanked up on Malibu and pine apple , my favourite alcoholic drink although I must admit two shots and I am anyone's I just cannot take it a light weight I think it is described as. So why new years
I look as life in many ways, a challenge, good fun, some sadness, celebration. It is the fact that when at midnight you are surrounded by loved one's both in spirit and person and you have survived the last twelve months, still intact, healthy, laughing and successful, that is a time for celebration. Christmas for me is a civil celebration but new years holds much more emotion always has and always will.so it is cheers to you all for 2022 lets hope for a much much better year.

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