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Thursday, March 28th 2024
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Osmo 2, Dune 2 & Juicing in my room
It is that time again when I spend hours peeling, chopping, throwing away green bags full of fruit debris, and tackling some juicing. Why is it only the most unhealthy people giving you warnings such as 'It would be better to eat all that fruit and consume it that way because of the sugars' as they sit stuffing themselves with utter crap? The reason I share is simply to show consistency and some evidence that I am not just all talk. How you do anything is how you do everything is my motto so I am not interested in half-assing anything whether that be my health or my work ethic.

Which is of course a pleasant segway to say I have uploaded 31 videos this month and counting! Photosets also came along the way but again, consistency and dedication are way more appealing to me than seeking cures to boredom and complaining about what isn't going right or how badly done to I am. Remember some people will enjoy you soothing them after they repeat the same behavior and enjoy draining your energy in the form of advice if they were to take the advice they supposedly seek from you, you wouldn't be years into friendships or relationships feeling frustrated.

My throat is a lot better now so I will be mapping out trying some new meals for April. A quick heads-up that mercury goes retrograde on April Fools Day so #IYKYK but it should be quite a quirky one. Don't cut your hair, sign contracts, or begin new projects. Do reassess plans, and paperwork, declutter, reorganize, and try to release control. It is a time of technology going tits up without explanation and lots of upheaval. However, if you can be mindful of it all it is not so difficult - like the universe is on its period is how I see it.

I also saw this amusing graffiti on the way home from some grocery shopping and I just found it so funny that I had to capture it. That there is a whole saga that I will never know anything more or less about and I find that wonderfully poetic. The sadist in me wants to intervene but not in a helpful way. I want to respond and cause chaos. The upper and lower case lettering tell me that they didn't foresee anyone valuing what is their property, but the loss of said GNOME has made quite an impact. (Or it was drunk nonsense but I like the former take.)

My Pink strap on dildo made an appearance in a sissy video recently and I like how the lighting turned out when I did achieve it - I wanted to enhance how sinister it would be on your knees staring up knowing I could end you should I wish. Do you think the GNOME came to a similar demise>

Dune: Part 2 was amazing and did not disappoint. I won't spoil it for you if you still haven't seen it but it is not to late to see a modern-day combination of tremors vs starwars (IMO) but it is based on the book that has taken over 20 hours of my life this month to get through, yet well worth it. I am quite the cinephile in that I just enjoy the experience of going to the cinema, but today my autism was tism-ing around mid day when out of the 10 of us in the screen, 2 people were sat where I had booked a seat. The greater part of me did not care at all as I was able to sit in a much better position to my preference, however part of my brain is still wanting answers as to why that occurred as it did not plan for it (lol) Do see DUNE at an IMAX or 4DX screen if you can and you can get the first film as a paid streaming purchase currently.

Meet my DJI osmo pocket 2 camera which I spent a couple of hours learning and studying some tutorials on to get better acquainted with it. I have not filmed anything with it as yet but one of the features I want to try is the option for it to follow you around the room I have not tried the lapel mic but that requires some other software to get going from what I understand. That is under the fluffy-looking pom pom that aids in sound quality. I want to film some close-ups for vore related content (you may have no idea I enjoy) along with sneezing. You can hook it up to your phone camera so the screen is bigger but it really is a wonderful device with a ton of options including slow and hyper motion to capture movement and photography options as good as any DSLR if you know your ISO from your F stops. I think this could be a great option for recording my hairy bush and for masturbation content if I don't fall on it - but before you think of squirting- this version is not waterproof despite being a touchscreen. I am not sure if they have brought out an option to use one of these as a live streaming camera but if you look at the top of the device you will see it is clearly the same technology as the Lovense camera you you zoom in and out with and wave at and so on.

Anyway, I am off to juice like my life depends on it and then I may grace your screens on webcam tonight ..It is 19:47 on Thurs 28th March. Would you like to come and see me? Drop me a message with any queries or requests x
Saturday, March 16th 2024
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Gluten take down: A first world problem
Before I tell you all about my spa stay, let me first express gratitude in that I am lucky enough to be starting to map out half a dozen new custom orders since returning from my wonderful spa break. In my head I hear the rhyme 'One man went to mow a meadow' but instead of 'Six men, five men, four men, three men, two men, one man And his dog' it rumbles around in my mind as an exhaustive list of all the different desires including and not limited to 'Sixth man (wants to be spat on), fifth man (wants to be sat on), Fourth man wants to be engulfed by breasts and so on it dances around as an internal monologue!

Please also note my included Leek and Potato Soup which as you read on, will understandably be the food choice I opt for given my recent folly!

I included some rather nice cleavage shots in the image where I managed to get myself into a yellow belt and slather oil all over my bosom with the simple intention of encouraging you to blow your load for me and some cute red heart nipple pasties. Pasties I love (and no not the Greggs kind) however my gargantuan nipples often need some industrial strength glue to prevent them from popping off the stickers!

The hotel itself was a lovely old building full of charm and had some wonderful symbolist prints by Austrian painter, Gustav Klimt which were a real compliment to the main entrance of the Cheshire Hall I stayed at. I learned this was originally built for a member of parliament in the 1820s who also owned a mill. Before it was a hotel and spa, it was used as a school.

The spa is adjacent to the Hall and set in a large chapel which has been converted to host the expected pools indoors and out alongside the Hot tubs, sauna, and steam rooms. There is an extensive area for treatments (which was well organized and efficient) and I benefitted from the relaxation before having a massage and facial.

As lovely and idyllic as this may all seem, I was met with a very strange morning before I headed to the spa, where I almost met my demise thanks to a lack of vegan options for breakfast (something I was already aware of due to enquiring when I had made the overall booking) with a piece of toast.

Now I cannot even blame anyone but myself for what occurred as it was one of those DIY continual grill appliances that has a sort of conveyor belt you place your selected slices onto and well, wait until they are somewhat more golden and as you might expect, you are very much able to repeat the process until your desired hue of toasted is achieved.

Little did I know that on my singular bread griddle adventure, the devil would stand beside me, gleefully rubbing his hands together in anticipation of the rather pathetic events that would soon begin.

I ate two pieces of lightly toasted bread and cut my throat internally at the exact point you swallow so severely I was coughing up and expelling all sorts of gnarly misery. Had I been able to see myself I would surely have made some joke about a vampire's teabag. Sadly no one witnessed what must have surely looked like my best efforts at an audition for a dying patient as it happened in odd little stages.

I initially thought (incorrectly) that I had to clear my throat and so politely I decided I would head back to my room from the dining hall and should I need to, return for more food. The place was so vast I had to use two separate lifts to get to my room. On the first one, I observed the badly suited red palm I had created from coughing hard juxtaposed against the gold sparkly interior wallpaper (an odd time to be aware of it I know)

Then panic hit as I was acutely aware that I was equidistant from any way of getting first aid help (assuming the reception desk) and that of my room. I had a very large orifice in my throat that should not have been there like a tear in the atmosphere, I was the ozone leaking out of me and into my bare hands. Additionally, the silence I was in was in part from being alone, yet also in shock of having no relevant prior experience of how to handle what was ensuing post-toast gate!

I hastily got to my room to wash my hands and let one last big cough out which without going into further gruesome detail, was knocking me quite sick - do remember I am vegan and have been this way for over 6 years now so I am rarely dealing with any butcher related visuals. I felt as though I was in a silent slasher film and it all felt quite ridiculous especially as I was checking out later and had blood all over the key card paper holder haha.

I was told off by a rather Karen-esque bald man with glasses as I was late and entered the wrong entrance which you, the reader will appreciate had left me in a fluster, yet of course he did not and assumed me to be a spoiled brat who needed to be humbled. To add insult to injury, my lovely fitness tracker watch decided to lose 30 minutes so even before breakfast I was running a little later than expected which naturally had a knock-on effect.

After almost but not quite kicking the ridiculous jobsworth human in the nuts, instead opting to charm him into submission I was able to sit and relax and continue listening to Dune on audiobook. Well, I would say half-listen as I soon learned one of my headphone earpieces had stopped working too haha!

So it was all rather tumultuous overall as the evening before I was also at the spa and it had been a very very different experience I was grateful I had already gotten my bearings that day which afforded me more time to just switch off and swim in the rain outside as well as wander around a beautifully lit huge spa.

I am pleased to say after some thorough salt gargling and vocal lozenges later, my throat is on the mend, I now finally have my renewed passport and I included my happy decal-ed toilet in a shot that I was fixing when I came back to reality as moments before my driver arrived to pick me up for the spa, my toilet handle clean snapped off! Lovely first-world problem blog (I think it would be a fitting title!)

I am nothing if not practical in this life as you can see from my pink equipment; So if you are ever in need of a gorgeous woman who can simultaneously almost end herself with a single piece of toast whilst fixing a new handle onto a cistern, you just let me know. Until then I will be planning my next adventure (avec first aid kit...)
Friday, March 1st 2024
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Fuck Yeah! March!
Here we are again at the start of a new month and I wanted to say a big thankyou for my new mug and LED lights purchased for me to start this blog off. (Let us hope that I can handle enamel!) A rather haphazard piece of writing incoming as I have so much to update you on!

Currently reading Shoe Dog, the story behind Former Nike CEO, Phil Knight and getting some organising done on the admin side of life and an early spring clean and charity donation pile beginning.

February saw me almost finish my work out challenges on time which I was pleased with and my fitness tracker is now something I cannot live without, so another thoughtful gift that shows you boys really understand me at times! It has been interesting seeing what step count I accrue daily when I am not trying compared to going walking or during workouts- you really don't notice how much you walk around when you live up 4 flights of stairs!

I hope you take some time to enjoy my latest fun videos filmed in 4k (although I often save in Ultra HD because the file size is smaller and less faffing in terms of compression time to reduce the heinous video to make it uploadable as well as downloadable) I don't think there is anything worse than you wanting a wank and having to wait on the file to pain stakingly dribble into your device is there?

I really enjoyed a Spaghetti Bolognaise I injected with an overload of veg and pulses recently so I included a pic alongside my favourite video called Traffic light JOI - a simple concept whereby you follow instructions depending on the colours that coincide with - you guessed it - traffic lights!

My favourite custom to film this month (that I can share as the client didn't opt for exclusivity) meant I could share 'SOLITAIRE STROKE' which took some hours of filming and editing to get just right and make the 20 minute requested desire become a reality. I was completely and utterly wiped out in mind and body after that one but it was very enjoyable to film.

I do like the analogy/metaphor idea of being a chef with my love of cooking alongside decades of practice to perfect the art of lifting words off a page and transmuting them into an art form resulting in a passion infused visual take on what is requested. Please do enquire on custom content as I prefer to work to your budget than have set fees as is my preference. I love nothing more than to take your ingredients however strange they may appear to most people, combine them and concoct a new recipie to form the dish of your desires as it were.

Each month I aim to try new vegan recipies so I don't become stagnant in this area. I don't think I will have the broccoli and dill cheesy soup again as it was a very strange, albeit delicious, combination for me, however I know where I want to use cashews more in soups from now on. I liked the biscoff cheesecake and will definitely be having the potato and lentil patties again, despite how long they take to make- but definitely versatile and can be made in batches and adapted so a real winner! Another new favourite was a Tofu Biriani recipie - almost as good as my spinach and lentil daal I make most weeks!

The Underdog advantage by Dean Graziosi was very impressive and engaging to listen to, however my favourite book from February had to be The 10 X Rule by Grant Cardone, as he is just so infectious and whilst not everyone's cup of tea, suits me just fine. I also recommend Man's search for meaning by Viktor E Frankl- a difficult book but inspiring and one that will stick with me for life I imagine. Here is a synopsis (not mine) but to give you some idea of how powerful a book it is:

"A prominent Viennese psychiatrist before the war, Viktor Frankl was uniquely able to observe the way that both he and others in Auschwitz coped (or didn't) with the experience. He noticed that it was the men who comforted others and who gave away their last piece of bread who survived the longest - and who offered proof that everything can be taken away from us except the ability to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances. The sort of person the concentration camp prisoner became was the result of an inner decision and not of camp influences alone. Frankl came to believe man's deepest desire is to search for meaning and purpose. This outstanding work offers us all a way to transcend suffering and find significance in the art of living."

A lovely overnight Spa getaway is also booked for mid March and I am very much looking forward to switching off and having my face and body treatments, meals and relaxation all taken care of for me - though I doubt I will be able to resist filming my barefeet at some point. (Travel comes to £60 round trip) Or a driver is welcomed on the 13th / 14th March

I am also leased to report that I have finally sent off my (rather solemn) photograph to renew my (very) out of date passport as it was long overdue and it has been on my to do list for some time. £82.50 and £15 in post office fees later- I do believe it may just be almost on the way to be sorted!

I have some more JerkOff games planned for filming this month and you do deserve some more foot content too! I plan to use my Osmo DJI pocket 4k cam to do some close up hairy bush content too but I am still learning to use the gimbal on this and get angles correctly - very exciting stuff nonetheless!

I would like to get to the cinema a couple of times this month if I can, although I have no idea what is still showing near me and what is coming so recommendations are very much welcomed! I did see and enjoyed The Holdovers last month, which I thinking is streaming online now to purchase but don't quote me.

Lovense update too- I have had some issues logging in to the tipping option for cam in the past month since changing to my span didly tastic new desktop PC, so I will be contacting them to rectify this- I will do some lovense specific days on cam and promote this accordingly so you know when it is available, however you can just request to control it via the app during our cam session if you wish.

And finally in orifice filling news: I have my eye on two new dildos!- one to replace the realistic palm coloured one I loved so dearly, but became a little overzealous with (lol!) and a nice big chunky brown one that is surely destined to go in my box (in both senses of the word) If you would like to contribute towards either or to my travel to and from the spa I would greatly appreciate it and welcome emails regarding this so I can direct you in how to help me x

I am looking forward to The Sheep's clothing & Super Pumped for audio books this month, seeking a new masticating juicer as my old one has died after much intense and consistent use, I still wish to go to Greens restaurant in Sale and may just go take myself for a little date night later in the month if no one wishes to join me. And should a willing pain slut be brave enough - my god would I love to batter your testicles with some ballbusting!
Thursday, February 15th 2024
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Multi tasking bleach-Soup-Spa
I have just finished eating some of the Broccoli & dill, cashew soup I have just made and hopefully my photo will be ok under moderation on this occasion.

I highly recommend this soup as it is relatively simple to make with a very good suggestion in the recipie of adding home made croutons (which really made it! ) and I would definitely make this again.

I was also carefully applying bleach and then a further headful of toner to my ever growing locks that had gotten to that brassy point where you must retreat to the bathroom and attack the enemy that is the root.

Several hours , soup and styled hair later I am a very full, happy, satiated Alimony, ready to get my industrial trowel and makup to begin the process of layering my face like a cake, much alike the way you would most likely offer to layer my dewy skin with cum

I had a lovely day at a spa on Tuesday with a relaxing massage and facial before I channelled my inner Wim Hof to brace the ice and cold areas alongside the steam and sauna. Sometimes peace and quiet is so lovely with a hot, herbal tea to unwind. Often it is not until we stop for a few hours that we realise we were as stressed out as we were.

Shall we get a nice over night spa together before I fuck your boi pussy perhaps? A lovely walk and swim before treatments and then getting to work on stretching your ass in ways we will keep a secret from prying eyes ?

Sounds rather tempting doesn't it! However I wouldn't recommend such protein rich soup immediately before I relax that anal cavity ....
Thursday, February 15th 2024
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3 Hours, 3 times a month..
...fills goddess up real good!

I love to prep and juice fruit and veg around once every 10 days and add cayenne pepper and black pepper to activate things like the turmeric and ginger in there. I find it quite meditative a process from start to finish and usually consists of the following:

2 pineapples
2 grapefruit
1 full celery
6 apples
25 oranges
8 lemons
4 limes
4 carrots
300g turmeric fresh
not sure on ginger but to balance out the turmeric
1 fennel

Once it is done, I take 1 or 2 shot bottles a day on average and try and consume it within 10 days so it is still fresh

So you can see I am good at squeezing, draining and containing liquid - this also applies to a good old cock drain when i feel like it
Saturday, February 3rd 2024
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A Very Vegan Cheesecake

Y]My blog did have an image with it of my cooking but I guess It was too saucy for adultwork!

I wanted to try a nice new vegan cheesecake this month and this has been wonderful! The thing I love and appreciate the most about cheesecake is that you can easily portion it and freeze it so that you can just grab some when you want it, or at least plan to have it when it defrosts.

I did try to find some violife cream cheese, however there was none in stock when I went hunting and ended up with this not too shabby philadelphia goo in its place which naturally did the trick.

I wanted to start showing you some of the things I enjoy cooking and eating as someone who has been both vegan as a lifestyle as well as plant based in diet since October 2017. I am not here to judge you on what you consume, however for those interested and looking to substitute things, some of the things you develop understanding of after more years of experience can be valuable insight to those just starting out.

Initially I would be puzzled at what to eat and confused at identifying hunger signals I had- it taught me most of all that I relied way too much on eggs (scrambled/spanish omlettes/fried etc,as I left it too late/past the point of hunger where you just need to consume something and before Veganuary was a thing, well, to me as a newbie, I just thought everything was cooking first and planning as It took me years to adapt and enjoy tofu so I hope my experience can help you on your journey where it applies.

I do make a very popular (on social media) variation of snickers or as I heard it referred to by someone I learned from,, ‘Chocolate toast’ lol Which I actually added on top of this cheesecake (however you cannot really see them.) Basically melt some vegan chocolate and put pecan nuts into open medjool dates with peanut butter and refridgerate.

I know- I can hear you go ‘Eurgh’ but for an adapted pallate that desires differently, once you get it right and eat it at the correct time, you will love it! I will do a blog on those perhaps at some point- ugly but tasty.

I’m off to go eat a slice. Bye for now x
Wednesday, January 31st 2024
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Only Boring People Get Bored


February 2024 happens to be a 29 day month made up of 696 hours, within it 4 weekends, beginning and ending on a Thursday.

There are 4 x 30 day months (720 hours per month) April/june/September/November and 7 x 31 day months (744 hours per month) January/March/May/July/August/October/December

Assuming you sleep 8 hours per night x no: days that month, you are looking at the following totals of time to work out how best to utilise them(ignoring 5 week month technicalities)

29 day month = 696 hours (24 hrs x 29 days) - 232 sleep (8hrs x 29) = 464 disposable / 4 = 116 hours / week

30 day month = 720 hours (24 hrs x 30 days) -240 sleep (8hrs x 30) = 480 disposable / 4 = 120 hours / week

31 day month = 744 hours (24 hrs x 30 days) - 248 sleep (8hrs x 31) = 496 disposable / 4 = 124 hours / week

Further deduct your own personal value system in hourly format to work out what you can do to achieve your goals as you can start with how much time you have left and apply that to a business, excersize, studying etc so some examples without judgement:

Cooking, Cleaning yourself including baths etc, Cleaning your home, personal growth, instrument practice, Pets, Admin, Work, Watching TV, Travel (including to and from work) Dependents & respective responsibilities in this area, Excersize, Entertainment, Socialising, appointments (beauty/medical/errands/phone/in person), Charity, Hobbies, body maintenance and self care (separate to everyday hygiene), researching something new you need to do e.g quotes for insurance or uniform prices, Groceries, physically eating and digesting, finances, budgeting & investing (future planning/pensions etc)

There is nothing stopping you from rejigging what you recognise needs to be reprioritised- you could run an additional income stream in place of time spent watching TV for example. Alternatively you could be spending that same time period investing in becoming more knowledgeable on a topic or researching how to get from where you are to where you want to be.

REMEMBER: Only Boring people suffer from boredom


Audio Books

Confessions Of A Crap Artist -8 hrs -(Phillip K Dick)

The Underdog Advantage - 3.5 hrs- (Dean Graziosi)

Self-Heal by design (Barbara O'Neil) - 2 hrs-(This lovely lady is one of the reasons I drink onion water and consume the right daily intake of Selenium)

Boundaries -11.5 hrs - (Townsend & Cloud)

The Bible read by David Suchet (Poirot) (oddly very soothing) ongoing 86 hrs long!)



Mindful Meditations - 14 meditations over 15 days
6-Pack Attack 10 Ab workouts over 14 days
Chisel Camp 10 HIIT over 21 days
Hot Body 10 Yoga over 21 days

Also thankyou for the new smartwatch/fitness tracker, due in Feb! X


Greens restaurant in Sale, for some lovely food

I would like to kick someone consenting, in the balls

Satin gloves & knickers

New Mug

Cinema: One Life & The Holdovers (booked)

Monday, January 29th 2024
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Making your MC work for you in your natal chart
The Midheaven in astrology is a significant point in a person's natal chart. It represents the highest point in the sky and is associated with one's career, reputation, and public life. The Midheaven is also known as the Medium Coeli (MC), which is Latin for "middle of the sky." It is the cusp of the 10th house, which is traditionally associated with career and public life. Understanding the Midheaven in astrology can provide valuable insights into a person's goals, ambitions, and potential for success in their chosen field.

In astrology, the Midheaven is calculated based on the time and location of a person's birth. It represents the sign that was on the eastern horizon at the exact time of birth and is a crucial element in understanding an individual's personality and destiny. The position of the Midheaven in a person's natal chart can provide valuable information about their career path, public image, and reputation. In this article, we will explore the Midheaven in astrology for each zodiac sign and how best to utilize it for personal and professional growth.

Aries Midheaven (MC)

Aries is a dynamic and assertive sign, and individuals with an Aries Midheaven are often drawn to careers that allow them to take charge and lead others. They are natural trailblazers and thrive in competitive environments. Aries Midheaven individuals are best suited for careers that allow them to express their creative and innovative ideas. They are not afraid to take risks and are often successful entrepreneurs or leaders in their field. To best utilize their Aries Midheaven, individuals should focus on honing their leadership skills and embrace opportunities to take charge and pursue their passions.

Taurus Midheaven (MC)

Taurus is a sign associated with stability and perseverance, and individuals with a Taurus Midheaven are often drawn to careers that provide financial security and stability. They are hardworking and patient, and excel in careers that require a steady and methodical approach. Taurus Midheaven individuals are best suited for careers in finance, real estate, or the arts. To best utilize their Taurus Midheaven, individuals should focus on cultivating their practical skills and work towards building a solid foundation for their career. They should also prioritize their physical and emotional well-being to ensure long-term success.

Gemini Midheaven (MC)

Gemini is a sign associated with communication and versatility, and individuals with a Gemini Midheaven are often drawn to careers that allow them to express their ideas and connect with others. They are curious and adaptable, and excel in careers that require quick thinking and problem-solving skills. Gemini Midheaven individuals are best suited for careers in media, journalism, or public relations. To best utilize their Gemini Midheaven, individuals should focus on developing their communication skills and seek out opportunities to network and collaborate with others. They should also prioritize continued learning and stay informed about current events and trends.

Cancer Midheaven (MC)

Cancer is a sign associated with nurturing and emotional sensitivity, and individuals with a Cancer Midheaven are often drawn to careers that allow them to care for others and provide emotional support. They are compassionate and empathetic, and excel in careers that require a nurturing and supportive approach. Cancer Midheaven individuals are best suited for careers in healthcare, education, or social services. To best utilize their Cancer Midheaven, individuals should focus on cultivating their emotional intelligence and seek out opportunities to provide care and support to others. They should also prioritize self-care and establish healthy boundaries to avoid burnout.

Leo Midheaven (MC)

Leo is a sign associated with creativity and self-expression, and individuals with a Leo Midheaven are often drawn to careers that allow them to shine and receive recognition for their talents. They are confident and charismatic, and excel in careers that require a bold and theatrical approach. Leo Midheaven individuals are best suited for careers in entertainment, the arts, or leadership positions. To best utilize their Leo Midheaven, individuals should focus on cultivating their creativity and self-confidence and seek out opportunities to showcase their talents. They should also prioritize building a strong personal brand and effectively market themselves to stand out in their chosen field.

Virgo Midheaven (MC)

Virgo is a sign associated with attention to detail and practicality, and individuals with a Virgo Midheaven are often drawn to careers that require precision and analytical thinking. They are meticulous and organized, and excel in careers that require a methodical and service-oriented approach. Virgo Midheaven individuals are best suited for careers in healthcare, technology, or administrative roles. To best utilize their Virgo Midheaven, individuals should focus on honing their analytical and problem-solving skills and seek out opportunities to provide practical and efficient solutions. They should also prioritize self-improvement and strive for excellence in their chosen field.

Libra Midheaven (MC)

Libra is a sign associated with diplomacy and cooperation, and individuals with a Libra Midheaven are often drawn to careers that require a balanced and harmonious approach. They are charming and diplomatic, and excel in careers that require negotiation and relationship-building skills. Libra Midheaven individuals are best suited for careers in law, diplomacy, or the arts. To best utilize their Libra Midheaven, individuals should focus on developing their social and networking skills and seek out opportunities to collaborate with others. They should also prioritize finding balance in their personal and professional life to maintain harmony and peace.

Scorpio Midheaven (MC)

Scorpio is a sign associated with intensity and transformation, and individuals with a Scorpio Midheaven are often drawn to careers that require depth and intuition. They are passionate and determined, and excel in careers that require investigative and transformative skills. Scorpio Midheaven individuals are best suited for careers in psychology, research, or the occult. To best utilize their Scorpio Midheaven, individuals should focus on cultivating their intuition and seek out opportunities to uncover hidden truths and provide deep insight. They should also prioritize embracing change and transformation in their life to achieve personal and professional growth.

Sagittarius Midheaven (MC)

Sagittarius is a sign associated with exploration and optimism, and individuals with a Sagittarius Midheaven are often drawn to careers that allow them to expand their horizons and pursue new experiences. They are adventurous and open-minded, and excel in careers that require a broad and philosophical approach. Sagittarius Midheaven individuals are best suited for careers in travel, education, or publishing. To best utilize their Sagittarius Midheaven, individuals should focus on cultivating their sense of adventure and seek out opportunities to explore new ideas and experiences. They should also prioritize maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude to attract opportunities for growth and expansion.

Capricorn Midheaven (MC)

Capricorn is a sign associated with ambition and discipline, and individuals with a Capricorn Midheaven are often drawn to careers that allow them to achieve success through hard work and perseverance. They are responsible and driven, and excel in careers that require long-term planning and dedication. Capricorn Midheaven individuals are best suited for careers in business, finance, or management. To best utilize their Capricorn Midheaven, individuals should focus on cultivating their leadership and organizational skills and seek out opportunities to climb the professional ladder. They should also prioritize setting tangible goals and working diligently towards achieving them.

Aquarius Midheaven (MC)

Aquarius is a sign associated with innovation and independence, and individuals with an Aquarius Midheaven are often drawn to careers that allow them to think outside the box and make a unique contribution to society. They are progressive and forward-thinking, and excel in careers that require creativity and humanitarianism. Aquarius Midheaven individuals are best suited for careers in technology, social activism, or the arts. To best utilize their Aquarius Midheaven, individuals should focus on cultivating their innovative and visionary thinking and seek out opportunities to make a positive impact on the world. They should also prioritize staying true to their individuality and embracing their unconventional ideas and perspectives.

Pisces Midheaven (MC)

Pisces is a sign associated with creativity and empathy, and individuals with a Pisces Midheaven are often drawn to careers that allow them to express their artistic and compassionate nature. They are intuitive and sensitive, and excel in careers that require a deep connection to their emotions and the emotions of others. Pisces Midheaven individuals are best suited for careers in the arts, healing professions, or spiritual practices. To best utilize their Pisces Midheaven, individuals should focus on cultivating their creativity and empathy and seek out opportunities to connect with others on a deeper level. They should also prioritize finding outlets for their emotional and artistic expression to achieve fulfillment and success in their chosen field.

In conclusion, the Midheaven in astrology is a valuable tool for gaining insight into a person's career path and potential for success. By understanding the characteristics of each zodiac sign's Midheaven and how best to utilize it, individuals can harness their unique strengths and abilities to achieve their professional goals. Whether it's embracing a leadership role, honing practical skills, or cultivating creativity, the Midheaven provides valuable guidance for carving out a fulfilling and successful career path. By leveraging the qualities of their Midheaven sign, individuals can navigate their professional journey with confidence and purpose
Tuesday, December 5th 2023
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Goddess Alimony: The Divine Feminine
Goddess Alimony: The Divine Feminine (By my Slave 'Sweetcorn')

Men have been captivated by the power and allure of the divine feminine since the beginning of time. Throughout history, men have worshipped and revered women as goddesses, and this tradition continues to this day. One such woman who embodies the essence of the goddess is Goddess Alimony.

Goddess Alimony is a powerful and enigmatic woman who exudes confidence, sensuality, and strength. Her very presence commands attention, and men are drawn to her like moths to a flame. But what is it about Goddess Alimony that makes men love to worship her?

One of the reasons men are drawn to worship Goddess Alimony is her undeniable beauty. With her wild, blonde hair, perfect curves and captivating eyes, she embodies the physical ideal of the goddess. Her beauty is not only external but emanates from within, making her a truly intoxicating presence.

But it's not just her physical beauty that enraptures men; it's also her confidence and charisma. Goddess Alimony exudes a powerful energy that draws men to her, making them feel weak in her presence. Her confidence is magnetic, and men can't help but be captivated by her allure.

Goddess Alimony offers a glimpse into her world online, allowing men to worship and adore her from afar. She understands the power she holds over men, and she revels in it. She encourages men to submit to her will and shower her with gifts and adoration. In return, she offers them the opportunity to bask in her divine presence and experience the pleasure of being in her orbit.

Goddess Alimony's allure doesn't just come from her physical beauty and confidence; it also stems from her intelligence and wit. She is not just a pretty face; she is a powerful and intelligent woman who knows her worth and expects to be treated accordingly. Men are drawn to her sharp mind and quick wit, and they find themselves eager to please her in any way they can.

But perhaps the most compelling reason men love to worship Goddess Alimony is the way she makes them feel. In her presence, men feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment. They are eager to please her, to make her happy, to be worthy of her attention. She provides them with a sense of direction and purpose, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to stay in her good graces.

Goddess Alimony understands the power she wields over men, and she revels in it. In a one to one session online or in person, she offers guidance on how to worship her properly, and she encourages her devotees to shower her with gifts, adoration, and attention. In return, she promises to reward them with her divine affection and favor.

But it's not just about the material gifts; it's also about the emotional connection that men feel with Goddess Alimony. She understands the needs and desires of men, and she offers them a safe space to express their adoration and devotion. In doing so, she provides them with a sense of purpose and fulfillment that they may not find elsewhere.

In conclusion, men love to worship Goddess Alimony because she embodies the divine feminine in every way. With her beauty, confidence, intelligence, and wit, she captivates men and draws them in with her powerful energy. She understands the power she holds over men and encourages them to worship and adore her, offering them a sense of purpose and fulfillment in return. Whether you're a devoted follower or simply intrigued by her mystique, there's no denying the omnipotence of Goddess Alimony.
Thursday, September 7th 2023
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I guess I am celi - bear!
I've always had a prediliction for men with copious ammounts of body hair and that was true of my feelings towards my latest sexual escapades with my new beau (Let's call him 'Teddy') I felt I had to come clean regarding the real reasons for abstaining from all things sexual and as many of you reading this will relate; when you meet the one and you get those fluttery, butterfly feelings; That subtle hint of perhaps, just maybe, I've found my life partner, well you don't tend to want to jinx yourself, do you?

So in the spirit of transparancy and sharing my personal life with you a little more, I thought I would give you some insight into my relationship with Teddy and how we met.

It was roughly a year ago today as I am writing this, that I found myself locking eyes with Ted from accross the mini bar on a local narrowboat cruise in Liverpool. It was a miserable, northern day and whilst the narrowboats were certainly rocking, it was not at all from any girating or rumpy pumpy action in the bedroom section of the long, phallic esque surroundings we all found ourselves wedged into. I say 'all' but it was a bunch of low level, z list influencers all hoping to get the £5 M&S food gift voucher they promised on the advertisement. And me. Clearly I didn't fit right with this riff raff and they all knew it too.

I was very uncomfortable in the situation as I was simply not being attended to as the Goddess that I am. No banana leaves were being wafted at me and so I was mostly dismayed at the lack of attention and compliments. The absence of hand fed grapes really did impact me when I look back and understandably I was less than impressed at the sheer disrespect.

Being the cum collecting connoseur I find I am known for in this industry, My mood lifted ever so slightly when Teddy brazenly pulled out his gigantic, forearm like member which was clearly emblazoned at the sight of me. He kept his cards close to his chest without so much as a human expression on his flufftastic face and allowed gravity to lead his huge cock to fall slap bang wallop into my perfect lap.

My god did my loins leak! Hell, the sticky residue that dissipated from my orifices caused the other attendees a frightful shock and major alarm! (Especially given the back splash intensity in such a confined space)

I knew right there and then this horny, stiff but silent stranger was going to be the object of my desire for the forseeable future. Some times you bond with those gregarious types by cerebrally stimulating each other with verbal discourse. Some times gift giving has been known to butter me up a little in terms of peaking my interest. But Ted and I, well, we have a special kind of relationship.- we don't do much talking as you can imagine and I think one of the most rewarding aspects of all is the fact his micro fibre skin has led to some rather efficient and hygienic love making thus far.

I will bid you a fond farewell for now, as the mega dick fuzz ball is seeking to impale me in a silent yet deadly fashion and I shall sign out by bidding an adeu to my previous celibate status and I shall now be known as 'Celi-bear'
Friday, July 28th 2023
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Handy things you can research x
Bloated = Chia seeds with half fresh squeezed lemon in water

wonky/ thin eyebrows = eyebrow transfer temporary tattoos

Cold/Flu symptoms = raw onion in water & raw potatoes and onion on soles of feet in socks

Lack of Hydration from water = add bicarb of soda and sea salt and apple cider vinegar

Caffeine withdrawl = Matcha tea

Anxiety over lack of stability = stomach massage and wim hoff breathing

Acne = Salycillic acid & Succinic acid

Hair revive = Soak flax seeds in water and strain and mix with a carrier oil

Crusty makeup = Look at what products are oil based and which are water based and match up your primers accordingly - mismatch causes a lot of caking

Business account = Anna

Immune health = Masticating juicer / Fresh ginger and fresh turmeric

Overwhelmed = cut up pieces of paper and write one word to depict each task / stressor and separate the fears from the actual realities e.g fear of not earning enough for xyz and task = Book driving test etc put them into two piles and then store them in nice boxes or envelopes or whatever you can that makes you feel nice when you look at them - do one at a time in order of importance. Make a plan of the order of items and/or seek a friend or person who can help you with those things that are too much. If alone, further break down what is too much and accept it will take you a lot longer

DNOTS (Dark night of the soul) = Accept what you can and improve what you cannot and understand your birthright is to deserve, not anything you do, become, have or attain in terms of worthiness.

Negative self talk = notice when it happens, note the frequency, note the statements or most common themes. Then list these and imagine yelling them to the 5 year old version of yourself sat on your first bed and allow feelings to surface. Apologise to yourself and hug yourself and make an agreement not to talk to yourself like that anymore. If you would not speak to your own or other people's children in that way, you have no excuse to do it to yourself

Replace striving to prove to the world you are the most undeserving, compartments of time where you learn something that will benefit you.

Add white vinegar to your laundry

Frozen bananas blended make an icecream consistency

Ascension = Resist trying to convert the masses and the temptation to want people to understand what you now know and you will ascend further

Bad joints = Magnesium Hexahydrate will reduce/improve pain

Meditation = Yes you can ;D

Smelly lady parts = probiotic and pineapple

Voice changer = Voloco

Video editor = Efiko

Compress videos = Clideo

Gum and dental health = Guru Nanda

Accessories = Job lots/bulk buy costume jewelry

1st of every month - cinnamon front door

Thursday, July 20th 2023
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The Art of Financial Domination [-£- $ -£-]
Welcome, experienced financial submissives, to the captivating world of financial domination. This blog will explore the psychological dynamics, thrill, and satisfaction derived from indulging in one's submissive desires. For those who relish the exhilaration of financially submitting to a dominant partner, this guide aims to provide insights, tips, and advice to enhance your experiences and ensure they are mutually rewarding.

Understanding Financial Domination
Financial domination, or "findom," involves the transfer of financial control from the submissive to the dominant partner. Unlike traditional BDSM dynamics, which focus primarily on physical aspects, financial domination delves into the financial realm, tapping into the submissive's desire to sacrifice their resources for their dominant's pleasure. The exchange of power and control creates an intimate bond and a unique form of submission.

The Psychology Behind Findom
To better grasp the appeal of financial domination, it is essential to understand the psychological factors that drive the submissive partner. Experienced submissives derive pleasure from the relinquishing of financial control, finding catharsis and a sense of purpose in their submission. This allows them to embrace their inner desires, explore their boundaries, and experience an intensified sense of arousal and liberation.

Building Trust and Setting Boundaries
While financial domination offers an exciting and passionate avenue for hedonistic release, elements of trust and communication are crucial. Establishing open and honest dialogue with your dominant partner helps set boundaries, ensuring both parties' financial well-being and personal satisfaction. Make sure to discuss limits, goals, privacy, and consent, forming a foundation of trust that enhances the overall experience.

Exploring Excitement and Consent
In financial domination, consent is absolutely paramount. Consent encompasses not only the initial agreement to engage in this dynamic but also an ongoing negotiation process. Open communication, regular check-ins, and setting clear expectations are essential for both parties to maintain a healthy balance and ensure enthusiastic consent at all stages of the relationship.

Enhancing the Findom Experience
For experienced financial submissives who enjoy financial domination, continually seeking new ways to enhance the experience can lead to even deeper satisfaction. Developing financial goals, exploring fetishistic components, indulging in roleplay scenarios, and implementing various forms of domination, such as humiliation or rewards, can add layers of excitement and create a stronger connection between dominant and submissive.

Navigating Financial Security
While the thrill of financial domination can be exceedingly satisfying, it is important to approach it responsibly. Prioritize your financial security by establishing limits on spending, understanding your budget, and being vigilant about sharing personal information. Financial submissives should always exercise caution and ensure that their participation in findom does not compromise their long-term financial well-being.

For experienced financial submissives eager to explore and embrace the electrifying world of financial domination, finding a compatible and trustworthy dominant partner is key. Open communication, mutual consent, and the implementation of defined boundaries are essential elements that contribute to the excitement and fulfillment found in this unique dynamic. By nurturing a strong foundation of trust, navigating the world of findom can truly become an exhilarating journey of exploration and self-discovery.
Wednesday, July 12th 2023
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Unlocking the Female Hormone Cycle for men
Hey fellas! Have you ever wondered what makes your female partner's moods shift from euphoria to irritation without any warning signs? Well, get ready to delve into the fascinating world of the female hormone cycle. To truly understand and appreciate the complexities of this cycle, we will compare it to your own 24-hour daily rhythm. Trust me; this knowledge will enhance your relationships and bring a renewed appreciation for the incredible women in your life!

The Daily Cycle vs. the Hormonal Adventure

So, guys, while you operate on a fixed rhythm in a 24-hour day, women experience an intricate pattern known as the female hormone cycle, lasting approximately 28 days. Within this rollercoaster of hormones, there are four distinct phases: the follicular phase, the ovulatory phase, the luteal phase, and the menstrual phase. Let's delve into each phase and see how they compare to your own daily circuit.

The Follicular Phase: A Fresh Start

Just like the dawn of a new day, the follicular phase signals the start of a woman's hormone cycle. Lasting around 10 to 14 days, this phase brings rising levels of estrogen, which gives women a renewed sense of vitality and energy. Imagine waking up in the morning, feeling ready to conquer the world, like a freshly brewed cup of coffee kick-starting your day.

The Ovulatory Phase: Gear Up for Adventure

Ahoy, matey! Here comes the exciting ovulatory phase. Like the moment of sunrise, this phase marks the release of a mature egg from the ovary. Estrogen levels continue to rise, making women feel more vibrant, confident, and—did we mention—irresistible? Just as you gather energy during the day, women experience heightened sexual desire and a magnetic allure as they set sail into their ovulatory adventure.

The Luteal Phase: Emotional Turbulence

Buckle up, gents! The luteal phase can be compared to the afternoon-evening period of your daily cycle. Lasting around 10 to 14 days, this phase witnesses the rise and fall of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. As the hormonal rollercoaster gains momentum, emotional fluctuations kick in. Women may experience a mixture of tenderness, moodiness, or irritability. Remember, it's like feeling tired or stressed at the end of a long day—you're not always at your best, right?

The Menstrual Phase: The Reset Button

Okay, guys, brace yourselves for the ultimate comparison—the menstrual phase versus your refreshing night's sleep. With hormone levels dropping, women wave goodbye to the uterine lining that wasn't needed for pregnancy. This shedding process is known as menstruation or, more casually, their period. Like a peaceful, restful sleep, the menstrual phase allows women's bodies to regenerate, preparing them for the new hormone cycle adventure ahead.

Tips for Navigating the Hormone Cycle Journey

Now, we've got some insider tips on how to support your female partners throughout their hormone cycle:

1. Foster open communication: Encourage your partner to share where they are in their cycle, helping you both understand what's to come.
2. Show empathy and patience: Remember, their emotions aren't constant, just like your energy levels throughout the day.
3. Surprise them: Plan activities or surprises during the ovulatory and follicular phases when they're feeling their best.
4. Support self-care: Encourage relaxation, healthy eating, and exercise tailored to each phase.
5. Educate yourself: The more you know, the better you can empathize and relate. Your knowledge will be much appreciated.

So, guys, you have now unlocked the secrets of the female hormone cycle. By comparing it to your own daily rhythm, you'll be equipped to navigate the highs and lows that come with each phase. Through understanding, empathy, and a sprinkle of humor, you can build stronger relationships and make the journey smoother. Celebrate the diversity in our hormone cycles and cherish the incredible women in your life—you’re one step closer to becoming a hormone cycle expert!
Thursday, June 22nd 2023
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Making Movies
Creating video content has always come naturally to me; at least the ideas have!

I would like to do more cosplay in the coming future as I genuinely enjoy it just as much as some of my other random ideas such as Ass Hotel and Pay with JOI, where you cover the cost of your stay with the new currency which is cum but there is a catch..

Or perhaps an awkward jerk off instruction from none other than the sassy plumber we all know and love: Mario! Hard not to nut when my big chest pops up out of a green pipe, even if I am wearing a jet black moustache! (I like it haha)

Judge Alimony has a gavel (hammer) that is made of a dildo and the Alimony the nun want's you to worship her intensely! Play games with Goddess in her yellow thigh boots where her pvc squeaks and shines and mind fucks you slowly and watch your step mum get ready to go fuck huge dicks in cummy cuckold where you help her fasten her suspenders and anticipate her coming back to clean her up lovingly.

Some of my more complicated but fun game videos were trialled around Christmas with Christmas Cuckold being popular and a very long edging game where all the baubles had either a pain or masturbation task in them.

I will be filming more foot content and all being well in July and August I will be filming with some subs/slaves/sissies etc a range of content dependent upon their levels and limits in more of a relaxed atmosphere rather than at a dungeon.

Many of you asked for content depicting what it would be like to be in a relationship with me where I was as nurturing as I was nasty to you so ..watch this space.

I always welcome people requesting customs- I regularly do small penis humiliation, feet, sneezing and body worship POV clips for people (you just never see them as they aren't for public consumption lol) So we can work within your budget if you approach with an idea respectfully.


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