Send SMS / SMS Chat

Charges apply when sending SMS from your mobile phone. Please read this information carefully.

Seeking Services (Sending) Offering Services (Replying) Service Numbers
To start an SMS conversation with someone, click on the SMS Chat link in their profile page.  A window will open allowing you to enter the message you wish to send.

To start a conversation this way costs 1 credit. You will not be able to send a message if you have insufficient credits to receive at least one reply.

Your message will be sent to the desired member.  Your mobile number will not be included in the message, nor will the message appear to come from your mobile number on the recipients mobile phone.

Your message will have your nickname prefixed to it. The length of the message, therefore, may not exceed 160 - "From " + the length for your nickname. When starting a conversation the number of remaining characters is shown to you.

If the recipient wishes to reply, they may do so as they would with any text message they receive.

The reply will come back into the website and will be forwarded to your mobile number.

For each reply forwarded to your mobile phone, your credits account will be debited with 0.5 credits. This will be credited directly to the member that sent the reply. If you don't have sufficient credits the message will not be sent.  If you buy more credits you will need to restart the conversation from the member's profile page.

When the message arrives on your phone you may reply to it.  Again, the from number is not the number of the person you are conversing with. If you call this number you will not get any response.

If you choose to reply, your reply will come back into the website and will be forwarded to the other member's mobile number.

If desired, the other member can reply to you again, the reply will be forwarded to your mobile number.

You can continue to exchange messages in this way until you no longer wish to do so, at which point you should not reply to your last received message.

If either party replies to a message they have already replied to, it will not be forwarded. In other words, each message received can only be replied to once, any others will be discarded. This means that if you no longer wish to continue the conversation, don't reply to your most recently received message.

We do not charge you for sending any messages from your phone, but your network provider will do, based on your tariff and free message allowances.

You can view a list of members offering SMS Chat here.