kirankhanxxx Overall Rating: 10, from 10 rating(s) and 0 dispute(s)

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Escort DirectCam DirectChat
Type Member Date Role
player/legend (14) 05/08/2024 21:47 Seeking Services
  Did book but no reply must of been busy never mind always next time
Positive Bluestars (37) 08/10/2023 14:05 Seeking Services
  Amazing experience highly recommended
Positive Jayvintage (1) 01/03/2023 21:36 Seeking Services
  She is more beautiful in person, very easy to talk to and delivers what you're looking for.
Positive honestguy (32) 21/02/2023 19:33 Seeking Services
  Really friendly, polite and respectful
Positive NoJuan121 (2) 08/12/2022 13:20 Seeking Services
  Awesome. Lovely girl with a great body. Amazing arse!
Field Report: A field report has been created for this meeting. View Now
Positive Member Not Active 29/11/2022 18:33 Seeking Services
  Omg! Kiran was awesome! I have no words to express guys, what a hot 2 hrs, and made me out 3 times, wow, unbelievable. She did perfect session, as I requested.
Only the 100 most recent ratings are shown per tab